Wednesday, September 17, 2003

so guess what. this is pretty dang cool, i think. ya know how all my classes are either on the net or telecourse? well i dont' actually have contact with my i am taking intro to law....and i took my online test.......which consisted of 80 points.....i got 64 pts correct...which gave me an 80 percent.......and i had some qualms with some of the i emailed my teacher a very lengthy email explaining each test question i had an issue with....and this is the jist of what she wrote me back.........:

Dena, I don't have your "introductory letter" before me, so I
don't recall the answer to this question -- are you planning to go to
school? If so, that would be a good choice for you. Your manner of
these issues was very professional, and you present your arguments in
coherent and cogent form.

I will credit you with 1 point with respect to Question 18 ("checks and

Moreover, in view of the fact that you took the time, invested the
and presented your views in such a professional and articulate manner, I
will credit you with an additional 3 points. My guess is that you
something from the experience of going back and reviewing the
materials and constructing an argument based on your interpretation of

So, the bottom line is, I will credit you with a total of 4 points, and
those will be added to your present exam score. Dena, I don't know if
there's a way for me to go into the "grades" module of WebCT and
make that adjustment. If not, I will make a note in my gradebook and
adjustment will be made at the end of the semester when I calculate your
final grade.

woot woot! how happy am I?!?!?! very happy!!!! so instead of getting an 80 % on the test, i am receiving an 85 percent! five percent?!!??! that is really exciting to me! thank you God!

Tihs is hlirauios!!! I fuond tihs on the Dreek Wbeb wbeb barod.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch dnoe at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are - the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Ins't taht cool?!?!?!?

heres the dealeo. jodie's mom works for the Examiner, the Independance MO newspaper.....jodes calls me today and is like "my mom just called me and wanted to know if myself and an attractive female friend wanted to work at a golf tournement tomorrow from 7 til noon".....i'm like "what will we be doing?" jodes is like "i don't know..i would assume selling papers or something" so jodes calls her mom back and calls me back......."ok...all we have to do is walk around and socialize.........and we get 10 bucks an hour plus they're giving us movie passes and stuff like that..." we were gonna get paid to socialize with a bunch of golf onlookers and WEET........but ne who.......its supposed to rain tomorrow like a you know declined the its prolly gonna get rained out anyway, we decided to not make the commitment to get up at the butt crack of dawn.....

Monday, September 15, 2003

so the other night my friend katherine attempted to wax my legs....and i don't recommend it....its EXTREMELY painful....and doesn't even work whats the point in having partially waxed legs? if you've gotta shave some, then you might as well shave the whole leg and not patches.right? n e who.....this is the funny story.

afterward i smoothed a ton of this soothing lotion on my legs.......and then sat down at the computer and chatted and am eating pretzels...and then all of the sudden...i look at the bag of pretzels....look at the bottle of topical lotion.....look at katherine......"do your realize what i've just done?!?!?! I CAN'T FEEL MY LIPS!"
.... i had forgotten to wash my hands after applying the lotion.....and it must have had some type of healing numbing agent in it............ and so i inadvertently numbed my lips from eating the pretzels and having my hands around my mouth.........she like DIED laughing........ she told me the best part was my expression on my face

that is was DANG funny though

hope ya'll are not too scared from thinking about my hairy legs.....