Saturday, October 29, 2005

Your Power Color Is Lime Green

At Your Highest:

You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.

At Your Lowest:

You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.

In Love:

You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.

How You're Attractive:

Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.

Your Eternal Question:

"What else do I need in my life?"

Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage

You've dated enough to know what you want.
And that's marriage - with the right person.
You're serious about settling down some time soon.
Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to!

You're a Romantic Kisser

For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet

1) i was super psyched to go see "Prime" tonight with mom...but was utterly disappointed by the ending. it ruined the whole thing and pissed me off. don 't go see it.

2) i love eating jalapenos. but then i hate myself later. now i have indigestion.

3) besides being a wife and a mom, these are some "dream-type jobs", if money and reality and the fact that i'd have to learn things that i know nothing about and all of that were no object: a. photography/ all its many facets and subcategories....anything that touches the subject, really. b. working with flowers. they are so beautiful and colorful. c. event planning/ much as it scares would be heckka fun.....especially if i was spending someone else's money...d. scouting out vintage and antique pieces at flea markets and such places, to refurnish and revive.....e. cook.....i really do love to cook. i enjoy it so much. i just don't know a lot about it or how to cook many things...but i am always fascinated watching and learning about it on cooking shows.....

you know whats funny....nothing about music is on that

4) i am immesely glad, every day, that i didn't "finish college". i still get a lot of crap from most people about it. but i know i would be so miserable and hate my life if i were still in school. there was a time when i hated me and just existing, pretty much, once i came to the realization that school was just not for me.

5) my mom is the most impossible person to please, on the planet, i'm sure. its so refreshing to live through that and because of that experience finally grasp that its not all about pleasing someone else. you can't live your life for someone else. this is why i'm not a perfectionist. this is why i will never try to be someone i'm not. this is why i just don't give a rip. because i felt like i had to do that for so many years. and then i saw through that crap and realized that is so fake and so untrue.

6) several months ago, i told a friend, with concern, that something she did was rediculous, she found that unacceptable, and we haven't talked since. if you can't tell your friends the truth, you've got serious issues, and you're just a phony. (yes, thats what I said.) i refuse to be that. all my friends better know that i love them enough to tell them when they're being rediculous. and anyone who claims to love me best be doing to same for me.

7) (not so sound all tom cruise on you,) but although i do believe that many people have actual severe chemical imbalances and problems, I absolutely believe that way too many people are given medication for things they should be working through and dealing with sans medication. and on that same line, a ludicrous amount of inappropriate behavior is blamed and, even worse, excused as being merely the outcome of such "problems."

Friday, October 28, 2005

more random thoughts from dena:

1) one of my friends texted me tonight and told me that she sharted herself at a bus stop, and then had a 40 min bus ride. i laughed so hard that i inturrupted the people talking at the lady's house i was at...multiple times.

2) i feel 10x hotter when i have done my hair up in hot rollers. (after they are out and my hair is done, that is.) at least ten times hotter. i also had on heels. that helps, too.

3) i have a cute story about some tennies of mine. i have these fun red tennis shoes. you know, they're not like....REAL tennis shoes, but more fashionable tennies , you know what i mean? lets pretend like you do. well i wore them today and yesterday for the first time in a long time, and i reandomly remembered something when i was tying one of the shoes. one lace is the standard-equipment-red, and one is fully-loaded-equipment-green. Here is the cute story about the green shoe lace: three years ago, when andrew and I met, he had one tan shoe lace in his shoe, and one green lace that he had gotten someplace random. it was somehow decided that i would take his green lace and put it in my red shoe, and give him my red lace and he would put it in his shoe. to this day, i still have that shoe lace in my shoe that he gave me. and it makes my heart very glad and warm and fuzzy.

4) those shoes i posted about a couple posts ago, are FABULOUS. i wore them and pranced around in them all night tonight and my feet felt amazing through all of it. as if i didn't have dress shoes on, let alone heels. i highly recommend them. because thats like, unheard of in the cute-shoe-department. and i am SO not down with wearing uncofmy shoes for the visual appeal. thats like selling out to The Man. and you know what they say about that.

5) I made choc covered strawberries last night, and they were DANG good. I ate like 7 or 8 of them. its true.

6) i have this really bad habit where, after piling random crap on my bed like 10 changes of clothes, hot rollers, purses, papers, coats and money, I'll leave it sitting there till i'm exhausted and just want to fall into bed, and i'll push everything off my bed onto the floor, just so i can go to sleep. i do this most nights, actually, come to think of it.


(i think i'll have to work on that one before i get married...right honey? ;) )

Monday, October 24, 2005

more randomness:

1) i have this aversion to apples. and i think i know why. i'm kind of a weird, selective germophobe. so when an apple has been sitting in my fridge, i dont' know exactly what muck it might have come in contact with in the drawer, or what its absorbed through it's skin. so i don't want to eat it. even though a nice tart juicy apple sounds good. i do, however, enjoy eating apples that i have just picked up from the grocery store. those that have not been germified by my fridge's osmosis of crap. but i prefer apples cold. i just can't win.

2) i love fall-smelling candles. those would be pumpkin-spice-cinnamon and the like. everyone freaking has them. my mom. debbie simpson. you know. well...thats pretty much it. but i get to smell it all day. because those are the two places i live, pretty much.

ahhh. life is good.

3) we (being andrew and I) want cheesecake instead of traditional wedding cake. we really don't like cake. or icing. will it still be fun if we cut cheesecake that isn't tiered? or would that be like saying "bah humbug" to weddingness? i'm not really asking for anyone's opinion. i'm just talking.

4) i've had nothing but trouble from people's voicemails today. its crazyness. i'm leaving my voicemail message, and then halfway through, it goes, "if you would like to leave a voicemail, please press seven. if yo- Please enter your passcode."

'what? i was just leaving a voice mail. if you'd leave me alone for another minute, i just might be done. didn't your momma tell you its RUDE to inturrupt?! and whats this business about a passcode? '

for the love.

5) I like deli turkey. a lot. so much so, in fact, that the absense of said turkey just got me yelled at by the mother. although in her defense, it might interest you to know that it probably had something to do with the fact that she just purchased it yesterday, and I've been eating it sans bread. meh.