Saturday, July 24, 2004 I had this freaky dream last night... Seriously...It was weird and extremely funny.  Before I go on, i will say, the subject of sex comes up, but feel free to read on as there is NOTHING graphic or vulgar in nature.  In fact...everything about the dream was just humorus. I think I know why I dreamt this...I'll tell you why before I tell you about the dream.  You know how i work for that woman, Debbie?  Well there is another person who works for her that mostly does laundry, and I found out that she got married last Monday...and I was like 'thats really odd.  who gets married on a monday?' and i gathered that it wasn't any big production or anything. the dream goes something like this: I apparantly got married, randomly.  (Not randomly, but it wasn't exactly premeditated, and the "ceremony" definatley wasn't any big deal.  I don't remember details of this.  So I assume no dress, no rings, not many people, etc.  Everything was haphazard about it.  And all I know, is that I didn't have sex on my wedding night.  Lol..  (CRAP ON THAT!)  There wasn't a traditional "wedding night".  I guess my husband and I were like, staying with other people?  Haha..and get this.  I only remember myself being the one who was even remotely concerned/interested in this.  I don't remember the guy I married seeming phased by it at all...  I remember my nephew Casey being there, along with other people.  So i think we were staying with some of my family or something.  And I remember being all bummed about that.  And I think in my head, i was like, trying to come up with a "plan" to sneak off or something (LOL), but by the time I got it figured out, it was morning, and we all got up for the day.  And I think I had to go to work, or something.  So I went to work.  Which was like, downstairs of the place we were staying.  It was some type of store.  Like jewlery or something?  Really hokey.  And I wasn't really doing much, most of the other workers had it covered, so I was finally like "If you don't need me, can I go home now?"  And then Yvonne Corpus shows up somehow and she says something like "Oh come on Dena, don't complain about being here, you had plenty of time last night with your new husband." And I was like "You don't understand!"  But i was cut off and couldn't explain anything else.  So I think I got off work or something.  

And then apparantly, I did have sex that night (seriously you can read on, there is nothing that I would deem as even remotely "sexual" because it just gets really funny from here on out.)  And, let me just say, I'll spare you the details, but it was just freaking funny.  It was all akward and the dream definatley embellished on anything that could even possibly be in real life.  It was like...cartoon material.  Ok...moving on.  But I kept feeling really weird about everything.  Its almost as If I had gotten married on a whim, and neither one of us had given much thought to realizing how big of a decision we were taking on.  I kept thinking, "this is for real.  this isn't a game.  i'm not just playing house.  we can't back out of it now, we have made a covenant with the Lord."  and I think my husband and I were discussing it, and it was almost sad, cause its like we realized we rushed into something that we shouldn't have.  WEIRD.

Ok, so to any of my female friends, if you want any details from the dream, just ask me, cause there was some funny junk, for real.

I hope I didn't freak anyone out.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Ok.  So the people I nanny for are going to be gone for almost two full weeks, which mean i get "paid vacation time" but i have no where to go to vacation.  Its too late to buy a plane ticket to anywhere, and I can't really drive that far cause my transmission seems to be biting the dust.  So if anyone has any ideas, i'm game. :) My vacation starts TOMORROW and I don't have to nanny again till The friday after this one, at 11 am.  Any ideas?  But i will be getting random hours in with Debbie, so thats good.  But i could def. swing something fun if theres anything to do.

Last night, i went to zach's and he busted out some tunes on guitar that he had been learning.  Some more DW and CC.  It was awesome good times.  I had him listen to some good acoustic music, too, of some artists i've gotten into. I started fiddling around with "Beloved" a bit.  We drove to Starbucks and went through the drive through.  We laughed a lot. Zach is fun.  The end.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Yo.  I never typed about it, but for everyone who didn't already know, Andrew came for a visit.  July 6-12.  And we had a really really fun time together.  It was really good to see him again.  During his visit, we roadtripped to St. Louis to see the Cubbies.  That was interesting as we drove straight there and then straight home after the game, so it was a lot of driving and late night driving.  But Andrew drove the whole way home, so he was amazing about that, cause i was too sleepy to drive.  Lets see.  What else did we do.  We went out to Bubby's twice and had a BUTT load of fun riding/driving his new 4 wheeler and two new dirt bikes.  Seriously.  Mad fun.  I couldn't stop giggling, i was having such a blast.  Since Bubbly lives in Gardener where its less populated and a *bit* more spacy, there was an area that we could drive around in, in this field.  Off the hook. 
He got to meet a lot of my church family, which was good.  We had good talks and he even got to go to work with me one day.  That was fun. 
Haha.  he bought me my first beer that was bought for me.  Bass beer.  Didn't really like it too much.  I dunno how i feel about it.  A few sips are good, but i have to go slow or it tastes nasty.  Good thing he liked it, so he could drink it.  Hehe.   And we got to jam on the guitar a few times.
Other than that, we just hung out and did whatever.  It was good times, fo sho.