Saturday, March 13, 2004 i just watched part of the homevideo from jessica and my's surfing roadtrip summer of 02.....and it....was...weird watching it...... yeah..... its bizarre looking back at times in your life and who you were then, and things you said and did...and people you interacted with..and seeing it as its "happening"...and then realizing its you watching yourself while you're in the present....and realizing so many things have changed....really strange feelings for me..... hair was like...blonde, practically...yikes.... (if i ever get the inclanation to ever let my hair go back to it's natural color, remind me not to, k?)...and i had also chopped it all off right after I got home from the my shoulders (also, remind me to never do that again....i do not like my hair that short)

speaking of which....i have a hair appt tomorrow afternoon between church services...i'm getting it trimmed and dyed again...good times

enough randomness for today....

Thursday, March 11, 2004

hello....i spent a lot of time over at my pastor's house last night...actually ate dinner with him and Cristina and their kids Conner and was awesome...i love their kids...for real....last night, Conner was being a pickle and a he got sent to bed way early...and kept getting spankings cause he would get out of bed....and one time, when he woke up, he goes "WHERES DENA?!?!??!!" was the cutest thing on the planet...for real....hehe...good times

seriously...conner has this obsession with should hear him say the word "cars"...its can't be duplicated...and so i knew as soon as i walked in he was going to ask me something about my tires (cause he always does)...but this time, he goes "you got a car?" was. beautiful. lol

ne pastor and his family is SUCH a blessing to me...for real....Cristina is someone i can toooootally relate to...tell all my secrets fears, my thoughts....everything..its amazing....and shes not THAT much older than me, either, so its cool.

ne who....Christian families are way cool...last night something dawned on me hugely...i was sitting at the dinner table with them...and we were talking about my family...and all the craziness that stems from my family...and how my family is TOOOOOOOTALLy screwed up...and sean started talking about the differences between unconverted homes....vs marriages/homes/families like what the bible talks about...and a Christian, you just have to get as far away as you can from your family if they are totally screwed up and unconverted....and not just hang onto them because they're "family"...because REAL family are the brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers that you have in Christ....those in the Church....and i was totally agreeing with him and telling them that that had been a realization of mine too, within the last several months....and all of the sudden...i had a flashback...of something my ex boyfriend had tried to pound into my head over and over when we were dating...and i just didn't get it.....i thought my family wasn't that bad...when in actuality, they are just a mess!....and i was like....'holy moses...thats what he was talking about...and thats why he'd get upset with me when i would talk about wanting to always stay close to my family...i remember that now, and its all making sense!' some ephiphinies that happened last night...and it was way cool

ne who...i am at work...i am on lunch...listening to east mountain south....gonna read my Bible now....:)

grace and peace to you!

everyone, come to church with me soon! you will be welcomed in, greatly!

tell me if you have anything you want me to be praying about for you!