Monday, December 04, 2006

I am sick, yet again.

(How is this possible???) I was sick less than two months ago.

I started feeling pretty crummy on Friday. And I pretty much was dead to the world this weekend and slept and did nothing. And this morning, when I thought I was going to go to work, I had Andrew look at my throat, and he saw gross stuff, and combined with how I am still feeling (like death, ok not quite), I decided to not go to work, but to go to the doc, instead. So I got there at 7:40, thinking they opened at 8.

WRONG. they don't open till nine. which meant I had an hour to freeze my BUTT off. that pretty much sucked. but I ended up being the second person inside the building. that was nice...

Ok, so when the doctor saw me and went through all the stuff, he determined that I have tonsilitis, and am not allowed to go to work until Wednesday, assuming I have no fever. He gave me all samples of prescription (the same one I took less than two months ago), which totally rocks, because that saved me (literally) 50 dollars. Yes, Biaxin XL cost 50 smackaroos.

Also, my ears have been bothering me, particularly my left one, and when he looked in them, he told me they were really jammed up and he couldn't even see into my ear canals, yada yada yada, and so they did this ear wash thing with peroxide and water. They stick a thing in your ear and basically pump the solution into your ear while you hold this little ear bucket to catch everything, and it took FOREVER for my stuff to dislodge, but people....HUGE chunks of the nastiest stuff ever came out of BOTH of my ears.

Sweet fancy moses. I couldn't believe it when I looked at it. It was disgusting. And unfathomable how that big of a chunk could have been stuck in there. It felt so much better though, the trip to the doc was worth it just for that procedure. Good grief. They told me its a good thing I came in and they cleaned them out, because it would have started to cause major infections in my ear canals.

So there you have it. I'm sick again, and I'm taking another two days of unpaid sick leave. Which pretty much sucks. but oh well. hopefully I will get better soon.