Wednesday, September 17, 2003

so guess what. this is pretty dang cool, i think. ya know how all my classes are either on the net or telecourse? well i dont' actually have contact with my i am taking intro to law....and i took my online test.......which consisted of 80 points.....i got 64 pts correct...which gave me an 80 percent.......and i had some qualms with some of the i emailed my teacher a very lengthy email explaining each test question i had an issue with....and this is the jist of what she wrote me back.........:

Dena, I don't have your "introductory letter" before me, so I
don't recall the answer to this question -- are you planning to go to
school? If so, that would be a good choice for you. Your manner of
these issues was very professional, and you present your arguments in
coherent and cogent form.

I will credit you with 1 point with respect to Question 18 ("checks and

Moreover, in view of the fact that you took the time, invested the
and presented your views in such a professional and articulate manner, I
will credit you with an additional 3 points. My guess is that you
something from the experience of going back and reviewing the
materials and constructing an argument based on your interpretation of

So, the bottom line is, I will credit you with a total of 4 points, and
those will be added to your present exam score. Dena, I don't know if
there's a way for me to go into the "grades" module of WebCT and
make that adjustment. If not, I will make a note in my gradebook and
adjustment will be made at the end of the semester when I calculate your
final grade.

woot woot! how happy am I?!?!?! very happy!!!! so instead of getting an 80 % on the test, i am receiving an 85 percent! five percent?!!??! that is really exciting to me! thank you God!


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