Thursday, April 08, 2004

So...tomorrow morning, we're loadin up and roadtrippin to shall be gooood times. I still have to pack. Oh yes...are we surprised that Dena hasn't packed yet? not at all. I will have lots of pictures when i get back, yes I will. I'm bringin my geetar to jam with Chris.

Ps...Jennifer Knapp's "say won't you say" is my song of the moment...its on repeat...aaaaand...i learned it on guitar...dang good song...cept i have to play the F as Fmaj7 cause I can't bar.... grrr...or...I could just play it in D...but then i would have to play the Bm without the bar and just finger the top four strings....both work. phone is a piece of crap. I have to get a new one...which is good...cause our contract is up anyway and I shall be getting my own phone plan instead of sharing minutes with mom.

this morning I did easter eggs with my little second cousin, Claire....oh yes...its a family tradition of see, her mom, Marie, who is, of course, is my older cousin, colored easter eggs with me when i was a little now that I'm a "big girl" I do them with Claire :) This was our second annual. And when I a daughter, Claire gets to color eggs with her...and so on and so cool.

On another note, I mowed the lawn for the first time in my life today...first of all, i would like to make a disclaimer. Its never been for lack of wanting to that I haven't before. Its lack of Dad ALLOWING mom or I to joke...But today...bubby showed me how to do the weedeater and pushmower and riding lawn mower...and i tooootally ran the push mower and the riding mower...(seriously)...haha....

So i get on the riding mower and I'm like, "Bubby...does the seat scoot forward?" doesn't...but i sure need it to :) (I'm just a small girl :) )...seriously, i have to kinda slide down in the seat to get my foot to press all the way down on the clutch. (Ps...this thing needs emoticons) Kendon pulled into our driveway while i was on the riding mower in our front yard...and he got a kick out of it...hehe...he like, leaned back as he was walking to me and was all grinnin and acted like he was doing the "imp steer." It was good times.

Oh...hehe...and then...I don't want to explain this one...because I just don't...but I will give you this quote by kendon, addressed to me today while I was doing the push mower around these bushes, "Its not like vaccuming."...We both got a good chuckle out of that one. :D

Last but not least, everyone needs to go check out all of the Bob and Weebul cartoons...seriously....oh man...good times. start with this one...its prolly my favorite:

I was just kidding about the last but not least part...cause i have and I definatley compared thighs and butts...complaining about our cellulite and fat. (note...neither one of us are big girls, at all, but all women have cellulite and fat that they don't like...pretty much no matter how small they are) Oh yes...and then...we did the "pencil test"...If you care to know what it is, please ask. you can do it at home if you want to try it. haha...and then...she critiqued my figure...she made me stand straight with my legs together...and then looked at me and felt for curves...haha... If you ever need a body critiquing, just call up my couz, Marie. ;) ;) And then there were comments about enjoying the youthful body I have while its still with me...but we'll leave that alone for now ;) :D

Peace out yos! (ps...i smell like grass...the kind in your yard, that is)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

yo yo this Friday morning I'm going with Kendon and Elizabeth and a bunch of their friends to Springfield, MO to see The Rocket Summer...if you don't know... Its a one man (or kid) band...check it here: also, there are music videos and stuff here

That should be fun....aaaaaaand....I get to meet and hang out with Chris (friend from the DW board)'re gonna jam and all that...and I'm supposedly staying with his friend Maie in her dorm :) woot...

three cheers for roadtrips! three cheers for webboard friends! (hehe) three cheers for good bands and fun jam session opportunities! i'm sure i'll have mucho pictures up to show ya'll when we get back :)

aaaaaaaaaand...i booked my tickets today for Memphis in May's Beale St Music Fest....oh yes...I am flying to memphis, ya'll....:) Staying with Kate and Ellie. Leaving Wednesday April 28 in the afternoon/evening....and coming home Tuesday May 4th in the Am...woot! theres gonna be some great awesome fun times and memories I'll be makin with the girls...AND...the countless other boardies that are meeting up!

while we're on the subject of trips, i'll just go ahead and cover all the bases :)

there is a tentative plan for myself and kate to fly up to the spokane washington area, where we will be meeting up with Jesse and Jerry and the four of us shall be roadtrippin to Seattle, baybee.....aaaaand...we may stay in hostels...which...will be awesome...and theres lots of good fish throwing...tee hee hee. but thats another story ;)

I'm finally getting over this NASTY sinus infection...lots of green snot...yum. I'm sure you all wanted to know that. but then again, knowing me, you shouldn't be surprised at the content:)

Ps...a big shoutout to Dan W, self proclaimed "press whore" :) Hes a talented writer, suberb brother in Christ, and I like the way he thinks as a philosopher. :)

Rawk n Roll,

Sunday, April 04, 2004

ya know...due to recent events, I am making the following post:

everything up until the one year mark of a couple's relationship is a total joke.

allow me to expound....

bubby and olivia are "on the rocks"...or maybe they've "split up"...i don't know whats going on. ......their one year "anniversary?" this month

basically, i think its very safe to say, don't assume a dang thing until you've been together for a year....becuase thats when the honeymoon stops...and reality kicks in...thats when you REALLY see the person for who they are, who you are as a couple, and life settles into a daily routine of normalcy.

oh yes...even if the couple is "meant to be," the honeymoon will end and reality will kick in...point being, if a couple can make it through the time when the crap hits the fan, so to speak, and they start realizing the huge responsibility they are taking on, and they can look at the other person and say "...theres some things about you that really suck...i do not like *such and such* about you, but we can definately work through these things and I can live with these things, because I choose to love you, and I still want to be with you" THEN i think its pretty safe to start thinking about the next step.

until that happens, just realize the day of reckoning has not yet come...wait for it to happen, then take the next step

I'm watching the EXACT same thing happen with my brother that I went through almost a year ago...

she has spoken

no, i do not think this transcends all possibilities of having it any other way...but as a general rule, i think its pretty safe