Friday, September 22, 2006

I know I talk about marriage a lot. SO sanctifying. Man, I love it.

My husband isn't a perfect man. He is a sinner just like you and me. But he knows. how to. love. me.

Sometimes I have a really crummy attitude about something. Sometimes I'm kind of mopey and pouty if I don't want to do something. But he always makes me laugh and smile, even if I don't want to. He will hug me until I can't keep from hugging him back. He guides me to right paths with so much love. Christ is really in him.

I told him last night, if he weren't so loving and gentle and kind in his guiding me, I'd probably always want to rebel against him. But he has such a loving spirit about him, it is so much easier to see when hes helping me to see truth, and its so much easier to submit to him. Because I really know he loves me.

I love that man.

Marriage is a wonderful thing.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Being poor is definately not my favorite thing about my life right now. I also know that it is just a season in our life, more or less. In that I am working and Andrew is basically not working much to speak of, but we are paying for him to go to Seminary full time (no loans). I know it is "just one of those things" that goes along with going into minsitry. This season may or may not change, actually. Some ministers are very very poor, even when they're out of school doing doing FT ministry. But...I pretty much HATE the fact that I can't go home for Christmas...or at this point, any time, ever, in the forseeable future. suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. I hate that I had to back out of my friend's wedding. I hate that we can't have a "date" to go see a movie for example, or even rent one. My life is great because of the gospel. For that, I am truely grateful. I wouldn't change my life for someone else's if I could. I really do love my life. But I'm not gonna lie...having less than no money all the time feels terrible, and it is immensely difficult every day. And it doesn't feel the greatest when you constantly have to tell people that you can't do this or that, when they invite you to do something, or can't get this or that when they suggest something, because you still have no money...and they've seemingly forgotten the last 5 times you told them the same thing...or maybe they just thought you were exagerating. (This happens with many people.) It is a constant reminder every time that happens that you are still poor. was made a little bit better when today, we got to "celebrate" our three month anniversary by going to Bed Bath and Beyond and ended up spending most of our gift card. That was good times. I got a combo blender/food processor that I'm excited to try out.

Does it make me a complete nerd that I chose to stay in tonight and read the entire manuel instead of going to watch a movie with some girls? Granted, the movie was "gone with the wind" and I wouldn't be caught dead watching that. But anyway....I still might have stayed in and read the thing, even if it would have been a good movie. Thats how excited I about my new Cuisinart.

I also got a steamer. like a double pot thing with the steamer insert? yeah. i'm excited about that too. And another pot holder. and this thing so i can wash andrew's nasty arse hats.

we also got a couple picture frames for wedding pictures for our walls! HOORAY! did you know we have NOTHING On our walls? literally. well except for paint. we don't even have curtains. anyway. i'm excited to put some wedding pictures up.

AND. this might be the best part. This might not sound so exciting to you, but we FINALLY found a vinyl tablecloth that wasn't butt-ugly. its actually quite nice. and it was only THREE. DOLLARS. seriously. this is a big deal, you guys. i've been looking for one for months. for maybe probably a year.

you know what. I'd much rather be poor and married to Andrew than have plenty of money and be living my life without him. I love that man so stinking much it hurts.