Thursday, March 01, 2007


1) Fetzer wine or Kendall Jackson wine.
They're white and a little sweet and not dry, imo. I quite like them.

2) If you haven't tried making this before, you have to. Buy a pork butt roast at the grocery store. (They are pretty big...the size of a crock pot...I'm trying to think of the poundage....4-8???) This is the exciting part: Kroger puts them on sale about three times a year for 99 cents a lb. This is freaking cheap. I love it. You may be thinking, "what the heck am I going to do with an 8 pound roast?" Well I'll tell you. You stick the whole dang pork roast in your crock pot, fattiest side down. Don't put a dang thing on it or in it. Cook it on low for 8-11 hours (its almost impossible to overcook something on low in a crock pot.) I put it on while I'm at work. When I get home, the crock pot is almost totally full with juices. Then I turn the crock pot off, lay out a huge cutting board, and start pulling the roast out of the crock pot onto the cutting board. Now, by this point, the roast is so tender, it will literally just start falling apart as soon as you touch it. This is probably where we get the name of what you've just made - Pulled Pork. It just comes apart with no effort. I usually use meat stickers (I have no idea what these are actually called) and pull chunks out. Then I let it cool a bit on the cutting board before handling it. Then I pull all the fat off and throw away (there will also be a bone, which all the meat just falls away from, so it is no hassle at all), and I usually split the meat up into three batches - two batches go into quart freezer bags and one portion goes into our fridge. Some people like to eat the pulled pork with nothing on it, but I always make it for barbecued pulled pork sandwiches. You can put the bbq sauce on it before you freeze it or when you pull it out of the freezer. I usually freeze it as is, and put bbq sauce on it when its out of the freezer. Guys, these make EXCELLENT barbecued pulled pork sandwiches (on buns or bread), and they are super cheap.

Just a little cooking recommendation for the day. (Rebecca Rich, are you out there? She'd probably appreciate this the most out of everyone.)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

oh....some of my readers may be interested to know....

Kendon is officially getting married. Yes...He proposed to Elizabeth last Friday...They hope to be married this September.

The end.

Random...but....I pretty much love Nelly Furtado's song "Say It Right." Its one of those songs where I go a little bit crazy when I hear it.

Correction...I have no idea what shes saying, mostly. So its not fair to say I truly love the song. But I love the SOUND of the song. Which is usually how I fall in love with songs, in the first place, anyway. The rhythm and groove is awesome.

If you haven't heard it (which must mean you've been living in a hole in the ground,) you should check it out. Its awesome...

Also noteworthy from that same album: "Maneater" and "Promiscuous" (which I'm sure you've heard, and I'm not linking the video to it because its a wee bit dirty). Good stuff.

The rest of the songs from the album? Not so hot. (From the clips I've listened to.)