Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sometimes Andrew randomly does things that crack me up. For instance, he'll randomly start singing part of a song in a really goofy falsetto voice...and he'll have this really goobery look on his face. And it is hilarious. A couple of the songs that he does this with lately are "Apoligize" by One Republic and "A Pocket Full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield. We'll be either laying in bed trying to fall asleep, or we'll be sitting on the couch while hes studying his flashcards silently, and he will, out of nowhere, sing, "It's too laaaaaaaaaaaaate....It's too laaaaaaaaate." haha or "Take me awaaaaaaaaaaaaay."

I'm probably the only person that appreciates this story....but at least I'll have it here for posterity.