Saturday, August 28, 2004


So...the other day bub was over. and we found out him and olivia looked at rings. (I was like SHUT UP.) and we found out that he bought the ring the day before he was here. (I kept going "SHUT UP." ...apparantly I do that when I'm excited.) and we found out he was going to propose this week. last night, we all rode out to my nephew's b day party together (olivia wasn't with us). Bubby is driving...and he passes the ring back to me. I open the box and go "SHUT UP" I put it on. :D I likee. I showed bubby. I said I just want to wear it for a while. hehe. he said "don't you dare tell olivia that you got to wear it before her. does it fit you?" "no. its too big. i must be a five and a half or something."... so i just keep looking at it. hehe. so he told us he was going to propose tonite. i gave him explicit instructions that he was to call us right after...none of this waiting two or three days crap to call us. so he popped the question tonite. :) So they called us. mom and i were on the phone with them. bubby goes "we're still waiting for you to go "SHUT UP."...hahahahaha...rotfl. i said "did you tell olivia i kept saying that?" he said yes, and they were both laughing.

so this is how he did it: he wrote this poem was awesome...olivia read it to reccounted a bunch of stuff from since they've been dating...very cool. don't know how he wrote it in one day. anywho. so him and olivia were sitting downstairs, eating. shes in her pjs. bubby says he wrote her this poem. so he sits down to read it...and the last line says something like "will you marry me?" or "will you be my wife" or something. and so on that line, he gets down on one knee and pulls the ring out. Her response? "Oh my gosh! I thought you said you didn't get it!" Bubby says it took her like a full minute to answer him. lol. and that he just kept kneeling there, waiting for her to give him the answer. hehe.. so...YAY!!!!!!! :D

just in case you don't they be:

we've got a weddin to plan. :)

on another note...danielle and gabe's wedding invitation came in today. i'm too giddy to open it.

peace out.