Thursday, May 11, 2006

random stuff:

i hate running on the treadmill. i seriously hate it. but i'm forcing myself to do it. HATE. IT.

i'm horrible at making friends. this is true. i really am not good at this at all. in fact...i pretty much suck at it.

i'm not letting myself bite my nails for the next five weeks and two/three days. its maddening. i bought those cuticle-pusher-backers and have started using them (because i need to) and it hurts like the devil.

i had a crazy ass dream last night about being in a contest with someone and we had to get these pink cooked noodles to stick to the windshield of the car with something. i wanted to use molasses and she wanted to use fabric glue, but i was telling her the fabric glue wouldn't stick as well. ...nuts.

my main love language is quality time.

did i ever tell you about the weird happenings of talking in my sleep? no? well then, we'll have to fix that right now.


incident number one: apparantly, in highschool, when i was sleeping over at sabrina baldi's house, (so was crystal detmer), i had gone to bed/sleep before they did. they were sitting on the floor talking and they claimed that i sat straight up in bed, said "I DO! I DO!" and then laid back down.

incident number two: a person i was friends with in highschool claimed that i sang "more than anything" by hanson, in my sleep, word for word. (we had decided to put this song on repeat while we slept that night, which is weird, in and of itself.) i asked her if i sang it on tune, and she said yes. and she said i wasn't singing at the same point the music was on. (i'm not sure if i believe any part of this story)

incident number three: my mom claims that one night she found that i was on my knees in bed, pulling hard on the curtains that were on the window next to the bed. she somehow got me to stop.

incident number four, which doesn't directly involve me: man...this must have been in middle school or early highschool. beth ann had come to appleton city with us sometime in the summer. we were preparing to have a garage sale, so my family, including beth ann, were all busily pricing items and scurrying around in the garage for a few days before the sale, setting stuff up. one night before the sale, when beth ann and i were sleeping on the hide-a-bed in the living room, my mom was still awake, sitting in a chair, sewing. she claims that beth ann got out of bed, walked over to a table in the living room, picked up this figurene, and asked my mom, "is this for sale?" hehe. i think my mom then said "no" and beth ann said "oh" and paused, and then said "how much is this?" something like that. and then she went back to bed.

well....we received wedding gifts from two sets of people so far.

sabrina baldi gets the award for the first in-mail wedding gift we've gotten. hehe. we got our gift from her and her mom about two weeks ago!!!

and last night, we got another gift from a couple from church.

its really neat. and very humbling for me. especially since i am not a gift person.

Monday, May 08, 2006

alright. a little wedding-math nerdiness for the day:

48 % of our wedding guests have responded thus far.

based on the response cards we've received thus far, we have a 72% acceptance rate.

that means that if we have the same acceptance rate as it is now, at the end, we will have 156 wedding guests.


i guessed we'd have right at 150 wedding guests attend. i'll keep you posted.

About a month ago, I had the first fitting for my wedding dress, and I didn't tell you about it. Which is a shame.

I had mentioned to Frenchie that I needed to locate someone here in Jackson to alter my dress for me. She mentioned a woman named Carol that they've known for years and does lots of alterations and lives right down the road from them. So I decided to call her up and see if I could come in and meet her and show her my dress. So I did and we did.

I rang her doorbell, dress and shoes and accessories in tow, walked in her house, and then followed her into "the room."

You know how in classic movies, the bride is always trying on her wedding dress in the room, either in an attic, or up a few stairs, and it has the three-sided mirror, and the wooden floors?

Yeah. well, this woman's room was something straight out of a movie.

Coming in the house, we went through the living room and I followed her up about three stairs to a room with hardwood floors, the three-sided mirror, old curtains, an old wooden chest, an old sewing machine - afghans and such are laying on the furniture....and it made me smile.