Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ok. so, the pork wasn't done enough last night for dinner, so we were going to eat leftovers. so i ate leftovers and made oatmeal choc chip cookies last night. andrew wasn't hungry when i ate leftovers. so he waited. except then he decided to just eat cookies for dinner. he ate about 20 of them. SICK. I was like "honey you can't do that. thats so bad for you." but he just kept eating them and eating them. and we were cracking up. good times. we laugh a lot.

we looked at our wedding pics. those will be available for your viewing-pleasure sometime in the near future.

we didn't watch our video yet. we will tonight. i can't wait.
i went to bed before him last night and when he came to bed, he woke me up cause i had to take the pork out of the crock pot. and when i got out of bed, he did this flying leap from the door of our bedroom onto the bed. he does this sometimes and it greatly makes me laugh. hes like a little boy when he does this, and gets this big grin on his face.

one day, hes going to break our bed doing this. haha. i love it.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Two things:

one, apparantly, our wedding pics came today. andrew got them from the mail but hasn't looked yet. i can't wait to see them tonight!!!

two, this morning, i put a pork roast in the crockpot to cook all day on low for pulled pork (bbq) tonight. i asked andrew to check on it and tell me what it looked like. he goes, "its still cold." um? so i ask, "what does the timer say?" "9." oh crap. then he says, "Did you hit the START button???"

um. no. no i did not.

so now we're cooking it differently. hopefully, it ends up good, still. and hopefully we don't get some form of botchelism (sp?) or something equally disgusting from it sitting in the crock pot since before 7AM today.

hehe. i laughed. a lot.