Sunday, December 04, 2005

So i had the wisdom teeth out on friday morning.

seriously you guys. not as big of a deal as everyone (including myself) made it out to be.

I was going to have anasthesia (sp?), but the night before, Beth Ann (I am planning to send her a million bucks because of this) talked me out of having anasthesia, telling me the after-effects of it would be worse than being "awake" during the surgery. I took her word for it. Boy, am I glad I did.

So I get there on Friday morning. Tell them I've changed my mind, and I'm opting out of the anasthesia, and that I just want to have NitrusOxide along with the numbing shots. So I get in the room and they're prepping me (or whatever you call it) and I tell them my friend talked me out of the anesthesia the day before, and I'm asking them if many people decide to have it done the way I'm doing it, and both the doctor and the asst seem very surprised and a little weirded out that I'm not having the anasthesia and tell me that no, hardly anyone does not have the anasth. He also adds, "I hope you're still friends after this!" At which point, I felt slightly panicky. But they had already put the nitrus on me, so I was beginnning to feel the effects of that, so my panickyness was VERY short lived. (PS. NOS is GOOD STUFF. I highly recommend it. Its so relaxing, and you don't really care what the heck is going on. It takes away all the anxiety, and the closest thing i can relate it to, is the relaxed state you get in sometimes, after drinking and having a nice steady buzz.) Also, I talk a lot when I'm under the influence of NOS. So I'm there in the chair with my whole mouth completely numb, and I can't talk right, and they're all up onz with my mouth...and I'm yakking away. At one point, they had to tell me to stop talking. haha. ten points for me!

Anyway. So like I was saying, I was totally numb. I mean. my lips, tongue, chin, whole jaw, and entire mouth felt like it had been pumped full of air. When they were extracting the teeth, the worst part was the noise. IE: the pulling, teeth cracking out of my jaw, skin being snipped open with scizzors, drilling on the bottom left because the root broke, and the sound of thread running through my flesh. That was the worst part. Which wasn't actually horrid, at all. Just not one of my top ten favorite things. But...didn't feel a dang thing. Except I had to brace my head, like when he was yanking on the teeth. Thats it. It amazed me to think that he just got ahold of them and pulled them out, and they just came out. And that I couldn't feel it at all.

Afterwards, I told them it was a piece of cake and that I'd recommend them to anybody. Which sounded more like "Tha whas a pee uh kay! Eyeuh eccohenn you to ahhyboohee," since my mouth was totally numb. Hehe.

The whole thing took less than an hour. Can you believe that?! They gave me some pure Oxygen and within three mins after they were done, I stood up, felt totally out of the influence of the NOS, and walked out to see mom.

Did I mention I'm kinda sick like this and requested to see my teeth?

Oh yes. lol. So they "cleaned them up" and gave them to me in a little pouch. Hehe.

I found out, in taking my extra pain med (just tried it once), that I'm apparantly allergic to Hydrocodone (as is my mom). Made me more nauseated than anything. I was sitting on the bathroom floor, shaking, and then practically crying because I was afraid of throwing up because I didn't want it to hurt my mouth. Didnt' throw up though, so thats good. But dang, I got way too sick from that.

Everything else was fine. I am SO glad I didn't have the anasthesia. Most people get some type of sick feeling for a couple days, even, after the surgery, from it. Its kind of dangerous to have, anyway. I'm glad I listened to Beth Ann about that.

Also...except for the first day, I didn't really swell, and didn't bruise...and I wouldn't say it ever actually hurt. Just was/is tender at some times if I'm being too rambunctious with my jaw. Thats pretty much it.

I give getting my wisdom teeth out about a 3 on the pain scale. And thats coming from someone who is generally considered a big wuss.