Thursday, October 07, 2004

soooooooooo, i'm the kind of person who gets kind of frusterated when I don't understand things. Like...not so much logical concepts (like how to do a math problem or understand quantatative physics) , but relative understandings that surround people and life and interaction and time. And trying to figure out what part I need to play to adjust to the things I do not understand, but so desparately want to understand. I'm probably not making an ounce of sense. Oh well. This is nothing new. Sometimes people do things that make me seriously want to kick them in the schnoobs (or phantom schnoobs). Grates on my soul or something. "why are you being this way?" I don't understand.

I hate insecurities. I would say for the most part, by the grace of God, I am a very very secure person. But the times when I don't understand whats going on, thats probably when I feel the most helpless. wide eyed, somewhat paranoid, sitting in a corner watching all sides of the room at once. Maybe because i have ideas in my head that seem like the "right way" or when solutions to an issue seem so simplistic to me. I hate playing dumb.

It is absolutely 100% true that the only complete satisfaction I will ultimately reside in, is settling into and embracing the fact and the lifestyle that Jesus Christ is my very best friend. *heavy sigh*

pics of Danielle and Gabe's weddingness are finally up here

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I never really know what to write about. I think alot. I'm often extremely quiet and I keep to myself. But then...i just don't know what to type.

I dunno. I'm content. I'm happy. God is good.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

hi...i'd like to take this moment to introduce you to the latest link over there ---->: Andrew's xanga. He finally succumbed to the online journalness. Indeed. Which, of course, I think is great times. While I have this moment, of course I will gush a little about him.

I really like the way he writes. It is not flowery. It is unconventional. Its wholly honest, frank, and will probably shock a lot of his readers. (Which I love, it is true.) I love the way he is open about his sin - his struggles, his shortcomings, his questions and his seemingly blunt statements about what he is convicted of that is good and bad. ...Because he is bold and tells it like it is. (And you all know how i love that. :) ) There is no sugarcoating. I enjoy his odd, dry humor. I love his crying out to God.

*cheesy grin*

I also forgot to say...that I received another awesome letter last week from Andrew. This one's contents aren't to be shared, but I can and will say that it was marvelous.

Monday, October 04, 2004

so. i'm back from the whirlwind weekend in Memphis. It was awesome to see Danielle and Gabe get married. it was absolutely beautiful. definately cried. indeed. the vows were awesome. on another was totally touching to see gabe get emotional when he saw danielle come down the isle.

pictures coming soon.