Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I am HORRENDOUSLY (did i spell that right?) sick to my stomach. I'm not sure if its because Jackson is ghetto and we're under a boil alert and I definately have drank the water without boiling it, or that we leave town um, the day after tomorrow, and I still haven't packed and theres still a ton to be done, and I'm mondo stressed...or both.

I think I got about 3.5 hours of sleep last night. Not kidding. I got back from Andrew's at an ungodly hour this morning, largely due to the fact that about 11 PM Nicole and I got this hairbrianed idea to run to Walmart to get ribbon because our wedding programs, that we just started printing, mind you, needed a little something extra. So we started that little project at a rediculous time last night. And we were waiting for the things to print, so we were held up with that. We only made a dent.

Also, while in walmart, I dropped the carton of OJ and there was definately a "clean up in aisle 6." (seriously, there was.)

And Andrew's getting sick or getting a cold and thats not good.

Did I mention I haven't packed? And I realized ...there is a TON of stuff that I have to bring with me.

Also last night, Andrew and I were coming up with a playlist of songs to use as background music at our reception, and he definately insists that "I shot the sherriff" be on it. So I went between laughing hysterically because its so absurd, and vehmently yelling that we would not be having music about shooting people anywhere involved with our wedding. lol

I love him.

Nicole made us, or me, really, a paper chain count down thing.

Ten Days.

Or as Kate would put it,


Sunday, June 04, 2006

So I've been so wrapped up with the counting down the days thing, that it was truly shocking when my Aunt informed me today, "You're getting married next week."

*insert wide eyed smilie from the dotnet here*

also...Andrew and I are driving to KC, not next Saturday as planned, but next friday evening. Oh yes. We're leaving Jackson about 6 PM or so, and we're driving into the night, and stopping at Aunt Doris and Uncle Dean's in Ozark (Springfield), MO at about 2:30 in the A.M. for some shut eye. Then we'll sleep till whenever we want and get up and drive the 3 or so hours the rest of the way to KC!

Woo woo!