Thursday, August 28, 2003


Name: Dena Michelle Powell
Age: 20
Location: Overland Park, KS
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120-125 lbs.
Parents' Names: Fran and Don
Siblings' Names/Ages: Lisa 40something, Greg Early 40s, Lynne Early 40s, David 40 maybe?, Dennis Deceased around 39, Jeff 34
Pets' Names: n/a
Grade: 14/15
Extra Cirricular Activity: used to be music and drama


Color: Electric Purple
Food: anything homecooked...mashed potatoes...with sugar :P
Drink: Water
Movie: The money pit
T.V. Show: ???
Actor: at the moment...the guy who played aragorn...
Actress: is tough. I will go classic and say Doris Day
Song: of the moment. Endless Love by Lionel Richie and Diania Ross
Solo Artist: tough one....Derek WEbb ....or Lionel RIchie at the moment
Band: Maroon 5....or Hanson....Maroon 5 was on Letterman last night...that ROCKED...
Gum Brand: winterfresh
Clothing Store: American Eagle maybe....maybe wet seal

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

well well well... i am back from my hanson excusion in Colorado....a LOT happened, let me tel ya.....and you know what? i really don't feel like typing it all out...i might someday...but not today....or you can call me and i'll tell you what happened.......its pretty amusing.......i'll just tell you random highlights that prolly won't make an ounce of sense to you since you weren't there...but at least i feel like i'm accomplishing something by getting it off my chest........ok and i will try to put these into order

10 hour car stomach ache from not eating, seeing my bosses daughter, the mountains out our hotel window (WOW), lots and lots of pictures, lots and lots of video footage, jumping on the beds in the hotel room, me fitting into a size 2 skirt (how did that happen?!!?%*@#???), getting to the venue and seeing about 50 fans in front of us...waiting outside the venue for like....6 hours before we are let in to see the show because jodie wanted to make sure she had a good "place" saying very often how much i hate standing in saying very often how it was way too dang hot in saying i think i'm only gonna make it in line for about 30 minutes but i stand there for the whole time with jodie and jon for some strange reason....drinking a lot of ice waters from the restaurant/bar across the street and going pee about a million times before the show, the guy on the rooftop of the bar across the street yelling "i love you" and "marry me" and blowing kisses to me....for 5 hours....., getting whistled at by some other guy on the roof on one of my trips across the street to pee or get water.....the band on the rooftop of the restaurant across the street playing a really bad rendition of MMMBOP when they found out we were all standing in line for a hanson concert...singing a lot of hanson songs outside the sitting down on the concrete steps outside the venue and getting gum stuck to the back of my skirt, my trip across the street into the bathroom to remove said gum from skirt, getting into the show and buying a cool hanson tee from micah, us sitting to the side of the stage so we could actually SEE and SIT down... rocking out next to a man who was there with his wife and he used to be a musician in a fairly big band in the early 80s so he was singing too and getting all into the music....zac's antics during the show...lmbo...kat's phone call during the show and me holding the phone up so she could hear getting up to pee during the show and singing really loud in the bathroom to the music i could still hear from wandering around the crowd for about 3 songs after that just to see what kind of a view was all over the rest of the standing on a ramp on the OTHER side of the stage during MMMBOP and singing really loudly next to taylor's wife (natalie) and their sister (jessica) and having the fans in front of me tell me i was a really good singer....shaking taylors hand as the band is walking off the stage and nearly pulling his wedding ring off....whoops....after the show walking back up to the door and asking the guy if i could go in and take a couple pics of the set since tehre were no cams aloud during the show...getting permission for that and taking pics of the set in the venue by myself with no other fans...asking hanson's roadie if i could have the setlist....receiving the said hanson setlist because i was "the only one in here" and i "asked very nicely"....saying bye and thanks for everything to jessica and natalie and natile and taylors baby (ezra) on the way out..... realizing after i was out of the venue that other girls were trying to get back in to take some pics and no one else was aloud....which meant i was the ONLY person they allowed to do so...and i got the setlist... :D :D :D :D, me jodie and jon going to PF changs after the show....realzing how cool it is that jodie has a boyfriend who is totally awesome about the whole hanson deal....and that there are awesome guys out there like that who would do the whole hanson deal if it meant something to his us walking back to the venue after the show to see if the tour bus was still there...standing around for a while...micah coming to the front of the bus as they're pulling away and me motioning for him to come off and take a picture with me...and him saying back through the window "you and me?" and me saying "yeah, a picture!" and the bus starting to pull away and him going "we're leaving *frown*" and me motioning and saying "oh no *frown*" and pointing back and forth between us...jodes me and jon walking back to our car and pulling away down the street only to see hanson' tour we pull up behind their hotel....and get i can get a pic with micah....and talk to isaac on the way in and introduce/shake hands etc....micah coming out after a bit and me yelling "micah, lets get a picture!" and him going "you want a picture of me?!" and me going "yeah, of us" and him coming towards me....jodie taking a couple pics of us...micah asking to see the talking for a bit...him walking inside the hotel to do something but saying he'll be right back to talk some more....waiting outside the the meantime natalie getting back on the bus and saying down to me and jodie "did you go to the tulsa show?" and us saying "yeah" and her saying "i remember you!" asking natalie if kate (zac's gf) had already left the tour for college and nat saying "yeah"......micah coming back out saying "so what do you do?" and me explaining my student asking him what he does when hes not "touring with hanson" and finding out hes a waiter at a seafood place in tulsa.....micah realizing taylor is just walking out of the hotel so he yells to taylor "hey taylor have you ever eaten (says the name of the restaurant)?" and taylor walking over to micah, me, jodie and jon and standing there around midnight chilling with taylor hanson having a random conversation for about half an was RAD....taylor said "los vegas is crunchy' i love talking about music, and teenage years, and turning 20 and jodie telling him about me playing their music and us discussing the black crowes and the blues scale and piano and l.a. and their home studio and him being "relaxed" and not melissa ethridge and his joke about jodie getting squeezed thorough a barricade by a 300 lb woman...lmbo...oh man....our conversation was great.... and walker yelling saying they had to them walking off....... lol...that was rad...

but that is enough cause i'm sure that was very boring and not even CLOSE to details of what happened....but maybe you can get the jist of it.... it rocked though...:) if you ask me i'll tell u all about it... :)