Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Anna and I just gave eachother foot rubs then backmassages... I am so relaxed..but i'm not going to bed.

Bubby teased me about my white pasty legs today. Fun.

Speaking of Anna....we laughed a TON while she was here. She is getting married...I can't believe it. She tried on a wedding dress but it didn't work....I am still supposed to go dress hunting with her. She already knows what us bridesmaids will be wearing, though. Something lilac and silver. Fun. I am supposed to plan her wedding shower. Supposedly its tradition for the maid of honor to do so, so...yeah...this should be fun...hehe...I was like...."Are you sure i don't get to plan your Bachelorette party instead?" lol

Monday, February 10, 2003

Kendon is my nephew, not my cousin. just have to realize it is something VERY hard to comprehend, especially if you've learned otherwise your whole time...So you MUST have patience and understanding of that. I worked until 2 am on your valentines day stuff this morning.and i was going to get up early and take it to the post office, but i was too tired, so i am gonna run home now and get the stuff and take it to the post office.....hopefully it will reach you by Friday...

I do not understand why you dont' want a song....To say it would be idolized is ignorant. And to say that i will never get anything special on Valentines day is stupid. We celebrate Easter, Christmas, and Birthdays, yet we should feel the same about the subject matter about those days, too...But its just a special day set aside to really concentrate on that.....Don't go pulling, "Christmas is for Christ, not average people" kind of stuff. because i am well aware celebrating Christ's birth is no where near Valentines day. But it is still important. And if only to me, this would be a perfect time for you to learn what it is to honor a woman and her feelings/wants/desires. If you can't do that, you're not the kind of person i thought you were or want to be with. You have to learn to appreciate the things I think are important, just like I desire to be involved in the things that bring you happiness, as petty as they might seem to me, they are special to me simply because you enjoy them. I don't understand why you can't get that. I want you to be sensitive to my needs and things that bring me joy. Even the little things....

There is NOTHING wrong with having a song for us....and I'm even letting you chose. So please don't be hard headed/rude/stubborn about this. Ok? If you really mean that I am the only person who you care for as a whole, then prove it in the little everyday things like a simple song. It doesn't take much...I'm not asking you to give me a kidney here.

I really hope you comprehend this stuff.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Sometimes I wonder why we butt heads so much........Why we bicker so much......Why we can't just be loving and Christ-like and appreciate eachother without nit-picking....Sometimes I wonder if its God's "neon flashing sign" telling us......."hey kids.....heres your sign......You're not ready to be together.." or "you're not meant for eachother, at all"...........but I don't know........maybe its a way for us to grow and learn.........who knows..........i just hate the bickering.........i don't want to do that forever.....I WON'T do that forever........but I won't let someone stomp all over me, either. I hope you can be here this summer so we can figure some things out...if its God's will, that is. Sometimes, just when I think I've got you figured out....I realize I just don't.... I am jazzercising tonite and then going to have steak dinner at Aunt Linda and Uncle Frank's with the extended family/cousins, etc..I like that.....we laugh and have good times........ sometimes it scares me...becuase i'm laying my heart out on the line........and i don't want it to be broken......