Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thing that made me Laugh the Hardest Today:
I was watching "What Not To Wear" on TLC and this woman was getting made over. It was the part where she was getting her hair done, and the hairdresser had put a TON of foil in her hair, and it was all different bright colors of foil, all folded in. At this point, the hairdresser asks the woman, "How do you feel?" And without hesitation she says, "Like a ham."




And so, I almost busted a gut, laughing.

Not even kidding. It just struck me as one of the funniest things, EVER. I just laughed and laughed and laughed, really hard, really loud, all by myself. And I couldn't stop laughing. And now, I'm laughing again. It was GLORIOUS.

(you know how the honeybaked glazed hams have the foil around them, and such? HEE.)

(This woman also reminded me, GREATLY, of my future sister-in-law, in terms of facial expression, quick wit, and energy levels, which made it EVEN funnier. Melissa pretty much cracks me up every moment I'm around her.)

Weird Revalation of the Day:
I caught the bouquets at all three of the four of my married bridesattendants' weddings. Granted, Anna's was rigged, and Danielle had many individual roses come apart from her big bouquet (I was the only one who caught more than one piece of it!), its still a fun thing that struck me today. Hee.

Speaking of bridesmaids, meet my bridesmaids:

Anna, Beth Ann, Ellie and Kate

aaaaaaand. I pretty much love the crud out of those girls.