Wednesday, September 17, 2003

heres the dealeo. jodie's mom works for the Examiner, the Independance MO newspaper.....jodes calls me today and is like "my mom just called me and wanted to know if myself and an attractive female friend wanted to work at a golf tournement tomorrow from 7 til noon".....i'm like "what will we be doing?" jodes is like "i don't know..i would assume selling papers or something" so jodes calls her mom back and calls me back......."ok...all we have to do is walk around and socialize.........and we get 10 bucks an hour plus they're giving us movie passes and stuff like that..." we were gonna get paid to socialize with a bunch of golf onlookers and WEET........but ne who.......its supposed to rain tomorrow like a you know declined the its prolly gonna get rained out anyway, we decided to not make the commitment to get up at the butt crack of dawn.....


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