Tuesday, September 02, 2003

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww........this is a great song........ Dashboard Rocks

The Only Gift That I Need

You'll be leaving for the winter
But I look and see that it's true
It's the right thing for you
But it's tough to be moved with the holiday spirit
And to tell you the truth I have big plans for christmas
And high hopes for you

I want you here by my side
Cold nights and fires and white wine
And dreams of holidays to come
But I'll wait for spring to bring you to me
The only gift that I need

I'll be living off you phone calls
in your letters and your postcards
Every single word is like a secret wish come true
Who cares if were apart for the big days
It's the small ones that made me fall in love with you

I want you here by my side
Cold night and fires and white wine
And dreams of holidays to come
But I'll wait til spring to bring u to me
The only gift that I need

Only gift that I need

Only gift that I need

Only gift that I need

You can dl it on their official site! The music with the lyrics is even better. ;)

Monday, September 01, 2003

hey all...i went to Grove Oklahoma this weekend with Jessica to her lake house....used to be her Gmas but she passed away...so her family has now inherited it...nice....although there was NO sun so no swimming :( oh well. but her parents were like yeah any time you all want to come down here and party thats cool...you girls are good girls. :) so we have a new partay house....3-4 hours from kc. its a ton of fun...literally right on the lake. we went antiquking......however you spell that....i found renee's b day present...i think she will like it...i hope she does. um...what else....we went to braums to get ice cream last night....we decided to sit outside by the play area to eat our ice cream....while it was raining...but it was fun...i love doing weird stuff like that. it was double dip day so that is good. i got some cappucinno thing and a dip of choc chip cookie doiugh....but there was something up with the cookie dough chunks cause seriously, it tasted like bananas....and you know how i am not a banana fan.......but...

we watched a lot of movies...lol....on the love channel *rolls eyes* lets see we watched For KEeps with MOlly ringwald...that was a great movie..... and we watched back to the future two.....well actually i didn't watch all of it.....i have seen bits and pieces of all the movies over and over but never straight through...bizarre.....i like the btthefuture movies though...very entertaining.......didn't go to church yesterday, obviously........out of town, jj's family doesn't go etc........um.....

we watched a lot of stuff on the history channel.........very entertaining as well, if you ask me....i got some reading in...good stuff.........i am realizing more and more that i am a very cheerful person.....hm.....i have also been told that i sing a lot.......lol....everywhere we go........

i don't know why i can't write a normal blog entry that is chronological or anything...i am so random

oh yeah........i gave myself a french manicure.....on my hands and feet........it looks really cool........seriously.....

oh yes.......yiou want to know something? So yvonne and I go jean shopping on friday.......and guess what size gap jeans i had to buy to get them to fit me? A TWO.........a freaking TWO.......how did that happen? (besides me losing weight) lol....i have no idea....but i about peed all over myself when i found out i wear a size two now...lol yvonnes like "i am going to live vicariously though you now dena" lol..... i thought maybe i would get a size 4 ...but even the fours were too big on me............ne who........that is really not entertianing to know...........

i like homeschooling.....i LOVE IT.....you know how glad i am that all my classes are on the net or through video tapes? VERY happy.......this is what was designed for me..........i always told my parents i wanted to homeskool back in the day....and they never would.....oh yes.......i believe i will be homeskooling my children....how fun....lol....hopefully my husband will be good at sciences and maths so he can kinda corrall our children in those departments.......lol....but that is a whole other story....whole other decade.....whole other EVERYRTHING as i am VERY VERY VERY SINGLE........lol.

speaking of which.........if anyone knows a really really really good, Christain guy who is funny and loves music and is giving and open, and a good communicator, and a family kind of guy and .........SINGLE.....let me know....ok? lol........i am on the prowl, i suppose.......... i keep getting these spam emails from all these online dating services things.......and that just makes me laugh.......tried that once.....NEVER again.....lol....... note to the world : those do NOT facillitate good communication at ALL.......and that is not normal.......lol....ne who....

um.....what else.....not that you're really entertained by reading this entry....but oh well....i suppose i am done now!
mucho oso

don't forget to tell your guy friends that match that description up above to call me! lol.....oh he must be at LEAST 20, preferibbly older.....either that or VERY VERY mature....mature no matter what else.....i don't play around....okie dokie....thanks.......

by the way......... this is a great new song by the Dashboard confessionals....wow...its so cool...wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow

Hands Down

Breathe in for luck breathe in so deep this air is blessed you share with me this night is wild so calm and dull these hearts they race from self control your legs are smooth as they graze mine we're doing fine we're doing nothing at all.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me, so I die happy. My heart is yours to fill or burst or break or bury or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer. The words are hushed lets not get busted, just lay entwined here undiscovered. Safe from the earth and all the stupid questions.. "hey did you get some?" Man, that is so dumb. Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear, so we can get some.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me, so I die happy. My heart is yours to fill or burst or break or bury or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer. Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember, I'll always remember the sound of the stereo, the dim of the soft lights, the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late and the walk that we shared together. The street was wet and the gate was locked so I jumped it and let you in and you stood at the door with your hands on my waist and you kissed me, but you meant it and I knew that you meant it, that you meant it, that you meant it, and I knew, that you meant it, that you meant it.

what a great song.....for the most part........theres a few sketchy things...but eh? i may have to get the album.......their music is really growing on me.....i am enjoying emo more lately.