Thursday, December 18, 2003

Ok...soo...I am a am SO thankful that Jesus died for me to pay for my sins....SO thankful...because...boy...where would I be without that having happened.....oh boy...but then again, I think back to Paul saying "what then, should we sin all the more so that grace may increase? MAY IT NEVER BE!" and that is something that .... makes me uncomfortable...which is good...because...whenever you are uncomfortable...its God working on your heart, trying to convict you of am thankful for that...does this mean that I will always end up doing the right thing? or that I will always turn my back on sin? absolutley not...but...this is just something in my mind, as of late, that i thought i'd share.

I have been having headaches...odd...for about 3 days.

I praise God for dear friends....brings tears to my eyes. makes my heart warm.

um...what else. I picked up Pipers book on romans 9...did i already talk about this? But i am excietd about the book..

and i would like to say...that i really can spell....and puncuate...and i do know proper grammar...but....i am in a hurry and this is no formal writing....and i am the "elipses queen" as Jesse calls me ;) and...i just don't care for this to be too the mess, please....i really am educated and intelligent. at least, fairly so. ;) want something for yourself....but at the same want what is best to loosen your hold on what you want for yourself. and you know in your heart that there is still some selfish tendencies toward what you want...but that all is well...because you truly want to be patient and wait things out and let God do His awesome, perfect thing. and sometimes you're amazed and in awe of how God could possibly work.
so you wait...and smile a lot. because thats all you can do. :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I'm getting ready to take a nap...cause Renee and I are going to see LOTR ROTK tonite at 12: 01 Am...ROCK...and...its a 3.5 hr long movie...hehe....oh man

I called her a bit ago and was like "you want to go see LOTR with me tonite at midnight?" long pause "Why not" gonna be fun...I actually just found caffeine pills in our cabinet...weird...i don't know whos those could be...maybe bubby had them. but...we'll see if that works on me, since all other caffeine seems to have no effect on me. last thing then i seriously have to take a nap.

drove out to bub's last night to practice the song for the Christmas surprise thingie. we start playing and singing...hes on keys...i'm doin my thing on guitar...bubbys all excited that we're jamming and that i can actually play...aaaand...i'm can't hardly hear the guitar...and i'm thinking...maybe we can put a mic up to it or something...then it hits me...i have a pic up ....i have an acoustic/ i'm like "dude, bubby....your you have a chord that will plug into this thing?!" he gets all excited, gives me a chord, and we're in business...i basically peed my pants, you should have been there, i was so was the first time I had ever played plugged in....bub and I were so excited we're like grinnin and laughing like "this is so cool" was yeah....we tooooooooooootally laid out this song and arranged it and made it awesome....and...its gonna freaking rock, thats all I can say about it....we'll vid. record it...if anyone wants to see it, we'll send you the vid, man....but we jammed till like 2 in the am...i love doin that....aaaand...i started playing this chord progression that I started messing with yesterday during the day...and started humming the tune...and bubbys like...i like that song, whoever thats by....and i'm like..."me"...and so I play through the "song"...(that has no lyrics but the verse/chord/bridge progression pretty much nailed down and the tune)...and he picks up on it....and he starts jammin, rockin out to it with me...he brings the mic up and sets it in front of me and i totally go crazy "la la dat da yeah yeah"ing to the freaking rocked....ROCK N was beyond good times....for real...wish you could have been there cause it was fuuuuuuuuun.

oh yes...and we jammed to some hymns and such...that was good was so fun...bubby kept being like "I CAN'T BELIVE MY LITTLE SISTER IS JAMMING WITH ME ON GUITAR!"

I am marrying a musician...thats all there is to it

*Dena now prepares herself for God's lighting bolt to let her know whos boss*