Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So at about 5:20 this morning I am awakened by something. I realize my husband is stirring. Then I am being pushed off my pillow. I'm asleep and like, 'what the heck is going on?' Then I'm really pushed off my pillow and so I sit up and look behind me on my pillow, and there is my husband's head.

He looks at me and goes, "Hi, Honey!" It was hilarious. I am thinking he is talking in his sleep, and has just moved over in his sleep.

But I say, "What are you doing?"

And he said something like, "I'm looking at the ceiling. Its crackeling."

Then I really think hes asleep. But I lay back down and start to nod off again, and then I hear it. Oooh, yeah. I remember that sound. So I tell him. "I've heard the ceiling do that before. What is it?"

So on comes the light. On comes my husband standing on the bed. He starts pushing and banging on the ceiling and the top of the wall. "Well, its not roaches," he says.

"Oh good."....."Could it be like, tree branches or something scraping?"

"Dena, theres no trees near our apartment."


"....It might be an animal or something."

"....Really? In the ceiling???"


"Hm. I don't think so, since I've heard that sound before off and on for at least the last six to nine months.....But I've never heard it crack this much before at one time."

So we try to fall back asleep. But it keeps crackeling a LOT and we can only get in and out of sleep for the next hour or so. Kinda stinks.

I think our ceiling is going to cave in. For real. And I can see some unevenness in the ceiling area. RIGHT ABOVE WHERE OUR HEADS LIE WHEN WE'RE SLEEPING. This can not be good.

The end.