Saturday, October 22, 2005

random things for you to know:

1) Drew pants from the Limited are the best pants ever. (I don't know if that links gonna work or not.) If you are a woman looking for some rockin-fitting dress slacks, head to the Limited and find the Drew fit. They rock my socks off. Of course, I have to get them altered cause they're too long. But all my pants are. Cause i'm too short for regular length pants, but not short enough for the short cut.

2) I really like Anberlin.

3) I finally found black closed toed shoes tonight. Do you know how many years I've searched for black closed toe dress shoes with a little bit of a heel that would fit me? YEARS. Here they are. But I got mine for cheaper. HA!

Eh. I think thats all for now. Yeah. thats all.


4) I get to see my Honey in one month. Yes. Praise the Lord. :)

I just made Chocolate Chip cookies, and they ended up looking that Grandmothers: they are flat and wrinkled. I don't know what happened. ("Whaaaa happan?")

The only thing I did differently was used butter instead of margerine. It calls for the same amount no matter which one you used. I double checked that I used the right amount of baking soda.

No clue. Ideas?


Wedding plans are trucking along. It is impossible to think that we have been engaged for more than 5 months, now. Fewer than 8 to go. Crazy, huh? It really is going by faster than I like to complain about. :)


Fall is here. It is a beautiful thing to wrap up in sweaters and put on my boots and slosh through the damp leaves while holding my steaming white chocolate mocha. Mmmm. so nice.

And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come
You are autumn
~nichole nordeman~

Monday, October 17, 2005

I need to make a resume.

And that absolutely terrifies me. And thats not an exaggeration.

It has for a long time.

Would you beleive that I've never put together a real resume?

But its something that I've been "meaning to do" or been asked about...for at least four years?

Four years.

I need someone to hold my hand and sit down with me and ask me questions and for them to do it for me.

Isn't that rediculous?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Heartache is a terrible feeling. (And so are all of it's little friends, such as nausea and weepiness and headaches from the weepiness.) Contrary to what heartache is ususally linked with, it doesn't just occur during a break-up. It very much takes place, for example, when your fiance flys back home after a visit, and you have no earthly idea when you might see him next.