Saturday, April 23, 2005

1) I am a(n).. wretched sinner, redeemed by my Savior, still learning LOTS about everything.

2) My ex-boy/girlfriend was…not what I thought.

3) I’m just a(n)… weirdo.

4) Maybe I should… get dressed for the day...hehe...its three pm and i'm still in my pjs.

5) I love… babies, love, music, curly hair, laughter, God, hammocks on breezy days.

6) ____________ is/are beautiful… dancing, genuineness, life.

7) Looking for… whats deeper than the surface.

8) I don’t understand… Rosie Thomas' "Wedding Day."

9) I lost my… sunglasses...but then i found them a couple of days ago in my room.

10) My boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife is… extremely loyal, an amazing example of dedication and discipline, a human illustration of the perservering Enigizer Bunny, unspeakably special to me, brutally honest, genuine, different than anyone else, a great musican, wonderful, a mystery to me.

11) In darkness, I… hear more.

12) Why do I… do the things I hate?

13) Is there such a thing as… being content?

14) Do the… cool jerk!....we know a cat that can really do the COOL JERK! (hehehehe)

15) People say I’m… enthusiastic.

16) Love is… ...not what culture defines it as...never on a TV screen...harder than a word said at the right time...truly different than you think

17) You make me wanna… be a better person.

18) Somewhere, someone is… thinking of me...(and loving me tonight).

19) Is it true that… waxing hair makes it grow back thinner?

20) I will always… harmonize with songs, laugh really loud, wonder.

21) Forever is… unfathomable.

22) I never want to… become someone I would hate, hurt my lovedones, have a HUGE regret, go through another break-up.

Friday, April 22, 2005

So I've been talking to Lori, and through the course of asking me what I was up to, I decided to blog about the very thing I began telling her about, because I realized how important it is to me...

Bubby used to do a little videography. He did a few weddings, primarily in the early and mid 90's, I think. In the midst of his camera-fun days, there was a Christmas or a family birthday or two that rolled around, resulting in him making two or three of these incredible gifts for the family to share. At whatever family gathering we were having at the time (Christmas day, or a birthday bash), we were presented with a video in which he had compiled an amazing array of family that had gone unnoticed in the back corner storage area of our living room for years. Photographs that had long been forgotten - remained in their dust-covered solace of old peel-back albums. Pictures that were memories of "better days"...of smiling moments and cherished reminiscence. He had made the videos in such a way that the photos began with the oldest child, with their earliest picture and then older pictures of that person...then moving on to the next child (all my siblings)...Then came grandchildren, and then family pictures that included our parents and bunches of family grouped together.

Along with these photographs, he had added music to accompany the feel of what we were seeing. For most of these songs, I don't know that I had ever had any particular connection with them at all. But after time and time again of watching and rewatching these precious videos, these songs became ingraved in my memory and just as important and cherished as the stories being told by my family photos. So, from time to time, one of the songs from one of the videos will pop into my head. And I will miss it. And all of these memories come flooding back. Memories of me as a little girl, sitting on my living room floor, knees drawn up under my chin... parents, siblings, nephews, and nieces intently watching the screen...hearing the laughter of someone as their goofy grade-school picture popped up...hearing the 'awwwwws' from the cute moments presented on screen....feeling my cheeks hurt from grinning so big...glancing over to see my mother moved to tears by the black and white, raggedy baby pictures of her now grown children...All of these memories come rushing back. They are precious to me. That kind of just dawned on me tonight.

I'm not ususally a overly emotional person. But this is something that almost brings tears, just thinking about it. If you want, ask to see the video some time. I'll be glad to show it to you.

There are three songs in particular that I'm remembering tonight. I did a little research and they're all from Kenny Roger's 1991 "Back Home Again" Album. I never would have known. "Someone must feel like a fool tonight," "They just don't make 'em like you anymore," and "When you were loving me" are the three songs that ended up on the particular video I'm remembering right now. Like I said, had they have not been a part of this thing that brings forth such rich memories for me, I might never have thought twice about being interested in them. But now, they are a priceless part of me...

Vividly overtaking my thoughts when I hear these songs...

Children bundled up on Santas lap...taken so long ago, the patterns on the baby clothes are foreign to me...

...something shy and old fashioned in the smile that you wore...

A gap-toothed smile and nobody being able to tell which sister it was...akward pigtails on a young school girl...

...'cause everything is changing way too fast...

An awful tee shirt that was too-cool-for-school at the time, being shown off while standing next to the latest hot car...

...The fashion comes and the fashion goes...

A picture, void of color of an almost too-young mother holding her first child over his birthday cake - her protruding belly jutting out - a glipse of her second son taking on life...

...Something shine in the fashion...In the smile that you wore...

An envolope with my mother's scrolling handwriting: "David's first haircut." A date and a pan down of the camera to show soft brown baby locks...

...I wish that I could hold onto the past...

A nearly naked toddler brother, with the exception of diaper and Daddy's cowboy boots, "playing" his Father's guitar...

...they just don't make 'em like you anymore...

The little fifteen-years-later "surprise package" girl her parents never imagined they'd have, sprawled out on a blanket, pudgy legs in the air, showing off her diaper...

...I can`t help but long for how it used to be...When you were here and you were loving me...

A fervently praying grandmother, brow creased, hands clasped with the knucles shown white, looming over the incubator of her born-much-too-soon grandbaby...lights to keep the jaundace at bay, illuminating her nose and cheekbones...such a tiny, fragile human being laying with tubes and medical apparatus taking over his body...

...I finally got that near to go inside...I made it to our bedroom door to cry...

Husband and wife, rarely caught doing anything even remotely romantic, dancing at a cousin's wedding...Strong hands leading a woman...the woman's face captured with thrill as shes led out at armslength for the fast-paced song you know was playing...

...Now that you`re here in my loving arms...Forget all your yesterdays...

______________________________________________________________________________ is Bubby's birthday. I won't tell you hold old. :) ;) I honestly wasn't thinking of that too much when I emailed him late last night (this morning, actually) with the link to that entry. I just thought he might be interested in reading it, since he made the video. So I sent him the link and this is the email I recieved in reply this morning:

Oh my gosh, Sis! I started crying 1/4 the way through your letter.
Gathered my composure and then cried more as you poetically listed some
the lines of the songs and the pictures that went with them. It was as
if I
was watching the video all over again. I never had any idea that it
move the family so much. I had a hard time making the video, as a
matter of
fact. Many times as I went through the pictures to organize them (and
in itself took several hours), I was moved to tears. Once I picked out
music, especially the Kenny Rogers songs, I knew it would be a hit, but
as big as it was. I'm so glad I had my priorities set high enough to
the time to do that video.
The whole thing took me either 24 or 40 hours to do. Hard to believe,
only a 15-20 minute video, isn't it? Thanks for taking the time to
in your blog on the days gone bye now. Life seems to get so busy,
priorities seem to get shifted, words seem to be spoken and yet it's as
we stick our heads in the sand like an ostrich, not admitting we are
precious time go by. If I can say one thing that Mom and Dad both did
you and I, it was showing how important time with the family is.
Thanks for
doing this for me, especially on my birthday.

Love you lots and lots!

Hehe. Wow. Not what I was expecting, but it works. Hehe.

Anyway, so after I blogged about it last night, I decided to actually watch the video. It had been at least several months since I had last seen it, and wanted to watch it again.

Its amazing how much I forgot from it. I love pictures. I love music. It was nice to have it all put back together in my mind, again. Besides the Kenny Rogers songs, theres also some other great music that he included. One artist of which I was prompted to grab two used copies on Amazon (one for me and one for Bub) many months ago for the same reason -- I kept finding myself with the two songs of hers he included on the video, in my head. And actually, when Bubby and I would sit down at the piano and jam out and sing together, we kept remembering this one song...trying to remember the lyrics and who it was even by...but we knew he had used it in one of the videos a decade ago. So I ended up buying copies of Suzy Bogguss' "Aces" for the two songs that ended up on the video - "Part of Me" and "Letting Go." (Thanks to Kate or I never would have found out who we were looking for. For some reason, she must be a better Google-er than myself. Lol)

(12:07 PM)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I had the coolest dream last night. I love cool dreams. :)

i also like summery hot dogs and bologna sandwhiches and potatoe salad and mac. salad....and chips and cooooooooold cokes

i'm reading Revalation right now. its stinkin hard.

eh. i think thats all for now. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sometimes, I realize I don't understand anything.

I don't have everything figured out, near as much as think I'd like to, sometimes. Oh well.

I'm kind of lightheaded tonight. Don't really know why. But mom just told me I was too hot and needed to get a washcloth and put it on my neck. Goodtimes.

On another note, my dad rides a bike.

Why didn't someone inform me of this?

Last night, I told mom I didn't think I was very compassionate. I don't really know why, but I don't think I am (about certain things). I had my window open and we heard an ambulance siren, and she always says, "Pray for that person. That is somebody's loved one." Sometimes, I'm very detached. Not as much with people who are close to me, but I have a hard time feeling other people's pain, especially when I don't know them. Being totally honest now. Maybe this makes me a bad person. Its not that I don't want to feel for people. Stuff really just doesn't affect me all that much, sometimes. But then again, even when stuff is happening to me, very rarely do I get bent out of shape or feel the weight of it very heavily. I dunno. I think maybe its kind of hard for me to fathom what a person might be feeling, unless its happening to me. Or unless I'm seeing it first hand - in person. I think that might be it. I can't imagine or know how to create a scene of pain or heartache unless I'm close enough to touch it.

Sometimes I like that a lot, though. Because I don't get really bogged down with stuff. I don't dwell on it too much, usually. I just kind of continue on. I wouldn't want to be sad or mournful all of the time. There is only so much feeling sad can do. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule. But generally...

Maybe this is my blessing and my curse.

I think most things are that way - The things that work out the best for us usually also work out the worst for us. I hope that makes sense. Our greatest strengths are often times our greatest weaknesses. Make sense? Probably only in my mind.