Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Whisper of a Thrill
Composer: Thomas Newman
(From the Meet Joe Black soundtrack)

Either find it and download it ASAP or listen to the clip here.

Oh man. It is so painfully beautiful. It is perfect.

Thats it. I can pretty much die now.

Why are you still here? Go listen to it!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Random Connection/Realization of the day:
So I'm cleaning my room (still) and on my playlist, the song, "What You Want" by Derek Webb (performed by Caedmon's Call) comes on, and I'm singing along to the line,
"You're softer than a cannon blast/but your effects much longer last..."
...and it suddenly dawned on me that there is a very good chance that that line was written as a connection to Oliver Wendell Holmes' quote,
"The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer."

Either that, or its some crazy coincidence thats messing me up in the head.

To all my CC/DW fans, does anyone know if thats what he was alluding to? Does anyone even know of that quote? lol.

I don't know how many times I've listened to that song, and yet, it had never clicked in my head before tonite that it is very similar to that quote.


If that is what it is, mad props to Dee Dub for working that line in. Mad props.

Also, I was randomly thinking about Katherine last night (not randomly, but I'll explain that later), and I was thinking of all the weird words she comes up with stuff.

I will list some examples:

1) "Mucho Oso." If it weren't for her, we would have never had this wonderful Spanish/Greek/Katherinese word that supposedly means "I love you/I miss you/Warm fuzzy things," but in actuality means, "Many bear." (Singular. In Spanish. Oh yes.)

2) "Hoop-tee!" When I taught her to play Casino, I taught her that at the last deal, you're supposed to say "Cards" to let the other players know this is the last round, which she promptly changed to afformentioned word. And its stuck - Clear through teaching other people to play, and has now become part of the game vocabulary when my family plays.

3) "Look! Its a scamp!" Scamp, of course (of course), actually being one of those scooter deals old people ride around on. One day while we were in the car, she saw a person of the elderly persuasion riding around on one of their scooters, she pointed, and exclaimed this. Much laughter ensued.

4) Last but not least, "Mo-Jo." And this is what prompted me to write this entry about Katherine. I started on a little art project last night which consisted of me recovering a paper mache` type "treasure chest" that is used for storage. If anyone has ever decoupauged, I know I haven't lost you yet. I was working on this project until about 2 am, when I went to bed, and my mind was swimming with thoughts of my art project, and I was kind of daydreaming about my experience with decoupauging items, and my mind traveled back to the first time I had done so, in which katherine was there. The particular brand of decoupauge glue that I have always used is called Mod Podge. But she either got mixed up, or just felt like it, and renamed it, "Mo-Jo." So everytime we were going to decoupauge something, she would say that we were going to "Mo-Jo" it.

good times.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Oh, man.

I am seriously cleaning my room.

Do you know how many trips out to the trash I've made today?


Do you know how many "get rid of" piles I've made?


Do you know how much crap i've yanked off my walls?
