Friday, September 22, 2006

I know I talk about marriage a lot. SO sanctifying. Man, I love it.

My husband isn't a perfect man. He is a sinner just like you and me. But he knows. how to. love. me.

Sometimes I have a really crummy attitude about something. Sometimes I'm kind of mopey and pouty if I don't want to do something. But he always makes me laugh and smile, even if I don't want to. He will hug me until I can't keep from hugging him back. He guides me to right paths with so much love. Christ is really in him.

I told him last night, if he weren't so loving and gentle and kind in his guiding me, I'd probably always want to rebel against him. But he has such a loving spirit about him, it is so much easier to see when hes helping me to see truth, and its so much easier to submit to him. Because I really know he loves me.

I love that man.

Marriage is a wonderful thing.


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Totally. Gabe is very similar. We are blessed, aren't we? ;)

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Dena said...

yes. we are :)


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