Saturday, October 29, 2005

1) i was super psyched to go see "Prime" tonight with mom...but was utterly disappointed by the ending. it ruined the whole thing and pissed me off. don 't go see it.

2) i love eating jalapenos. but then i hate myself later. now i have indigestion.

3) besides being a wife and a mom, these are some "dream-type jobs", if money and reality and the fact that i'd have to learn things that i know nothing about and all of that were no object: a. photography/ all its many facets and subcategories....anything that touches the subject, really. b. working with flowers. they are so beautiful and colorful. c. event planning/ much as it scares would be heckka fun.....especially if i was spending someone else's money...d. scouting out vintage and antique pieces at flea markets and such places, to refurnish and revive.....e. cook.....i really do love to cook. i enjoy it so much. i just don't know a lot about it or how to cook many things...but i am always fascinated watching and learning about it on cooking shows.....

you know whats funny....nothing about music is on that

4) i am immesely glad, every day, that i didn't "finish college". i still get a lot of crap from most people about it. but i know i would be so miserable and hate my life if i were still in school. there was a time when i hated me and just existing, pretty much, once i came to the realization that school was just not for me.

5) my mom is the most impossible person to please, on the planet, i'm sure. its so refreshing to live through that and because of that experience finally grasp that its not all about pleasing someone else. you can't live your life for someone else. this is why i'm not a perfectionist. this is why i will never try to be someone i'm not. this is why i just don't give a rip. because i felt like i had to do that for so many years. and then i saw through that crap and realized that is so fake and so untrue.

6) several months ago, i told a friend, with concern, that something she did was rediculous, she found that unacceptable, and we haven't talked since. if you can't tell your friends the truth, you've got serious issues, and you're just a phony. (yes, thats what I said.) i refuse to be that. all my friends better know that i love them enough to tell them when they're being rediculous. and anyone who claims to love me best be doing to same for me.

7) (not so sound all tom cruise on you,) but although i do believe that many people have actual severe chemical imbalances and problems, I absolutely believe that way too many people are given medication for things they should be working through and dealing with sans medication. and on that same line, a ludicrous amount of inappropriate behavior is blamed and, even worse, excused as being merely the outcome of such "problems."


At 2:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post. :) 2 things. It's spelled rIdiculous, and I'd like to know more of your thoughts on #7. I agree with you on some points, but others were too vague for me to really understand.. the last sentence, for example.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Dena said...

1. I always spell that wrong. Thanks.

2. the last sentance: lets say this kid is throwing a fit. screaming, throwing things, etc...his parents just say, "oh, you'll have to excuse him. hes ADD (or something)." and then they go on about their business and think "poor tommy" and they allow him to exert that type of behavior whenever he feels like it.


they need to nip that crap in the bud. by letting him throw his tantrum, they are allowing the child to be in control. they are allowing the out-of-control child to set the paramaters for life and how their househould is run. This is not ok. Plain and simple.

They need to stand up, be the adults and say, "No. You will NOT behave like this, and if you still choose to, these will be the consequence of behaving like this....."

and any other examples of bad behavior being overlooked with the excuse that "He has issues. We don't want to upset him, now" where the people continue to reinforce his horrible actions and cater to what hes doing in the name of not making the boy uncomfortable, saying his situation might worsen if they try to correct the behavior with disciple/rules.

That is the biggest load of crap. I have pretty much zero tolerance for that.

This can happen with children or adults. ...involving any issue thats diagnosed as a psychological or social problem or what have you.

thats pretty much it.


At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on the ADHD thing. Totally. My mom is a high school special ed. teacher and has seen her share of misdiagnoses. I can't really think of adult behavior or disorders that could be grouped with this. :dunno:


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