Sunday, July 18, 2004

Yo.  I never typed about it, but for everyone who didn't already know, Andrew came for a visit.  July 6-12.  And we had a really really fun time together.  It was really good to see him again.  During his visit, we roadtripped to St. Louis to see the Cubbies.  That was interesting as we drove straight there and then straight home after the game, so it was a lot of driving and late night driving.  But Andrew drove the whole way home, so he was amazing about that, cause i was too sleepy to drive.  Lets see.  What else did we do.  We went out to Bubby's twice and had a BUTT load of fun riding/driving his new 4 wheeler and two new dirt bikes.  Seriously.  Mad fun.  I couldn't stop giggling, i was having such a blast.  Since Bubbly lives in Gardener where its less populated and a *bit* more spacy, there was an area that we could drive around in, in this field.  Off the hook. 
He got to meet a lot of my church family, which was good.  We had good talks and he even got to go to work with me one day.  That was fun. 
Haha.  he bought me my first beer that was bought for me.  Bass beer.  Didn't really like it too much.  I dunno how i feel about it.  A few sips are good, but i have to go slow or it tastes nasty.  Good thing he liked it, so he could drink it.  Hehe.   And we got to jam on the guitar a few times.
Other than that, we just hung out and did whatever.  It was good times, fo sho.


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