Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sometimes Andrew randomly does things that crack me up. For instance, he'll randomly start singing part of a song in a really goofy falsetto voice...and he'll have this really goobery look on his face. And it is hilarious. A couple of the songs that he does this with lately are "Apoligize" by One Republic and "A Pocket Full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield. We'll be either laying in bed trying to fall asleep, or we'll be sitting on the couch while hes studying his flashcards silently, and he will, out of nowhere, sing, "It's too laaaaaaaaaaaaate....It's too laaaaaaaaate." haha or "Take me awaaaaaaaaaaaaay."

I'm probably the only person that appreciates this story....but at least I'll have it here for posterity.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lately, we have been sleeping with the windows open and a big box fan blowing on us.

It is glorious.

This is my very FAVORITE sleep. I sleep so heavy.

Also, it makes me think of sleeping with the attic fan on at home (KC). I miss that.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

just a quick note to say that we're headed to IL tomorrow for Andrew's Spring Break. I am SO excited. we fly out tomorrow morning and come back a week from this sat. We will be staying with Andrew's parents.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

some of my fave. songs lately. posted for the music, not the videos. just listen.

love is you


the way I am

click on "los angeles"

say it right

be be your love

Thursday, February 28, 2008

oh yeah. we sold my car. that is good. except now we only have one car (if you can consider the 88 Nova of Andrew's a car...its really more like a go cart thats about to die) (can't afford to buy another one) and that is really interesting.

just an update.


Sweet fancy Moses, this song rocks my face off. i totally love it. I have a live version of this on a cd from an old radio station in Kansas City (97.3 the Planet, which was awesome.) Sterophonics recorded it live in the Planet's studio one time, and it made it onto a "mix cd" that the station put out of live music from their studio.

I also really enjoy their song, "Dakota." Which means I need to check out more of their stuff, because I would probably love it.

I was thinking of this song because I was making a mix cd for a friend two nights ago, and re-stumbled upon the live recording...and realized I really dig the song. So it has been in my head ever since. The live version is just as great. Man...I love it when bands actually sound good live.

Hm. Maybe I should make Mix Cds for a bunch of friends made of nothing but great live songs from my music library. That might be fun.

p.s. ...I miss having money (and time, etc?) to go to concerts. Its over at least two years since I've seen any real live music (I don't count RTS students playing at school or in a coffee house as a real concert.)

One of my favorite concert memories was seeing Low Millions play (FOR FREE!!!) in the KC, I think at the Beaumont Club. Hm. Wow. It was the summer of 2005. Kate was leaving soon to move back to A-rack-a-nuh-sas. I heard about the free concert on the radio and picked up (free) tickets. And then I kidnapped Kate and Kat and told them we were going someplace fun. And then we roll up to the venue and get free burritos and then a free concert. So fun. We had a great time that night. We drank (I'm pretty sure Kat and Kate bought me Coronas...heh....).... and semi-danced to the music. And I kept getting cold, so Katherine and I switched my shorts for her jeans. But then she made me switch back. And they put on a great show. The band was skanky (yes, men can be skanky) and drank a LOT (A LOT!) of tequila on stage...but ...the show was so much fun. There really were probably no more than 100 people most. It was kinda like a private little show. And I had their album so I knew all the songs, which makes concerts 50x better, imo, when you can sing/follow along, at least in your head. Yeah. It was just a great memory. I associate it so much with being with my girls and having a great evening with them. I miss them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So at about 5:20 this morning I am awakened by something. I realize my husband is stirring. Then I am being pushed off my pillow. I'm asleep and like, 'what the heck is going on?' Then I'm really pushed off my pillow and so I sit up and look behind me on my pillow, and there is my husband's head.

He looks at me and goes, "Hi, Honey!" It was hilarious. I am thinking he is talking in his sleep, and has just moved over in his sleep.

But I say, "What are you doing?"

And he said something like, "I'm looking at the ceiling. Its crackeling."

Then I really think hes asleep. But I lay back down and start to nod off again, and then I hear it. Oooh, yeah. I remember that sound. So I tell him. "I've heard the ceiling do that before. What is it?"

So on comes the light. On comes my husband standing on the bed. He starts pushing and banging on the ceiling and the top of the wall. "Well, its not roaches," he says.

"Oh good."....."Could it be like, tree branches or something scraping?"

"Dena, theres no trees near our apartment."


"....It might be an animal or something."

"....Really? In the ceiling???"


"Hm. I don't think so, since I've heard that sound before off and on for at least the last six to nine months.....But I've never heard it crack this much before at one time."

So we try to fall back asleep. But it keeps crackeling a LOT and we can only get in and out of sleep for the next hour or so. Kinda stinks.

I think our ceiling is going to cave in. For real. And I can see some unevenness in the ceiling area. RIGHT ABOVE WHERE OUR HEADS LIE WHEN WE'RE SLEEPING. This can not be good.

The end.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This is so telling.