Thursday, January 18, 2007

Andrew does crazy things in his sleep. He used to tease me about being a cover hog and such, but really, he is the true culprit. Lately, I've been robbed of all the blankets, kicked, & wacked in the skull with elbows, among other things. He is a grumpy sleeper. If I dare get him to try to wake up, or tell him what he did, or try to move one of his flailing limbs, or take back possesion of any of the covers (while I'm shivering, mind you), I get a scowl or a mean grunt or a loud huff with a very dramatic turning over, or even a ripping back of even MORE of the covers away from me. ...something of that sort.

Its quite funny, actually, because I know he is still sleeping and has no idea whats going on. Hee.

I ask him about it in the morning, and he has no recollection of it.

I want chocolate. Its true. I think I'll make some smores when I get home. Yuuuummm....over three more hours to wait.


At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny, but kind of scary...I have known two women (one from my parent's church and a coworker) who could not even sleep in the same bed as their husbands because they were so "violent" in their sleep. One of them got a black eye and several other nasty bruises on her wedding night, it looked like she'd been beaten up.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Dena said...

haha. oh man. ok, its not THAT bad. its not like I'm actually scared or actually getting hurt. haha. its more humorus than anything. :) I am always amazed when I hear about what people can do in their sleep and not even know.

thats so funny about the lady and the black eye on her wedding night. ok...morbidly funny, but funny just the same. lol.

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok...i'm pretty this means that i win.

(because...i win!)

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Andrew Barnes said...

Yet, lately I have no covers, cover steal person.


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