Thursday, October 05, 2006

Guys...I've been really sick the last few days. Which sucks for multiple reasons.

I woke up Tuesday feeling like crud...went to work...left at 11.30 am....long story short...haven't been back to work since. Which stinks....because I have more than used up my three vacation days. (yes, three. sucks.)

ANyway...finally decided to go to the doctor this morning. I went to this walk in clinic place. long story short...ended up with two prescriptions and a shot in my rear end...and a pass to not go to work until monday. lol what? i'm not in school. whatever.

so i was one of the first people there this morning...the doctor looked at my and goes "this is going around big time. i've already seen about 10 cases of this this morning" which beans basically everyone that was there ahead of me had the same thing. which ended up being some virus or something...anyway.

stay away... i might get you sick.


At 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not afraid of you or your ebola.


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