Friday, August 25, 2006

Watching Rockstar Supernova a couple of weeks ago, I re-realized how much I love Live's "The Dolphin's Cry."

I honestly have no idea what the song is about. In fact...I haven't even really listened to the lyrics that closesly, to be honest. (I didn't mean that "I can't figure the meaning out." I just haven't paid attention.) But I love the melody and the rhythm and all of that.

Don't tell anyone, but most of the music I enjoy the most is probably for the same reasons; sound apart from lyric. Allow me to clarify - that is NOT to say that I do not many times greatly enjoy the lyrics along with the sound...but I'd say many more times than not, If i "love this song," it has nothing to do, one way or the other, with the lyrics...If I were to love the lyrics of a song and hate the sound of it, there is no way I will ever listen to it. ever.

i don't know what that makes me.

This is my secret.

Andrew knows it. And its something about me that drives. him. batty.

don't tell anyone.

oh...on another note...I thought the dude that performed it (acoustic guitar, only, notheless)...

totally out-did Live.

its true.


At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have but one question.

why on earth were you watching rockstar supernova?

i can't even stand that show.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Dena said...

because Andrew enjoys it.


<----is not a reality tv fan...but her husband they compromise...wherein he watches movies like "chasing liberty" and shows like "grey's anatomy."

hehe. i love my husband


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