Tuesday, August 29, 2006

sometimes i get upset about things, and i want to vent and i think about writing as an outlet, but i can't outright make a post on my blog like I want to becasue either someone will read it whos involved, and thats just not right, or I will be gossiping, or something of that nature.

today is another one of those days. i'm very very disappointed in someone, and i just .... its sad. and i want to talk about it...publically, to get it off my chest, and I can't. (and no, this has nothing to do with andrew, whatsoever.) which is one reason in particular that i am so thankful to have my husband, because i can, and do get to talk to him about this stuff. he lets me vent when i need it, and he prays for me and for people involved and for the situation. if i need words of encouragement or guidance or wisdom, he has them. so yay for that.

on a happy note, did i mention i love my downstairs neighbor, Becky? yeah. I do.


At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...you hate me now? but you're just trying to dance around actually saying it?


At 8:27 AM, Blogger Dena said...

yes, Kate......my secret is out. its all about you!

except...not at all. :)

and zach...this must be zach b., right? its definately in a more zach b.-esque manner than in a zach c.-esque manner.



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