Thursday, August 24, 2006

for some reason, kate thinks i need to update..

what to say..what to say..

last night, as i was reading my book on the couch and watching the tyra banks show wherein they were discussing how pretty much everything you touch has fecal matter on it and everyone has approx. a quarter size of a peanut worth of turd in their underwear, Andrew came in from having been studying outside and asked me to come out and hang out in the "courtyard."

So I did. And I'm so glad I did. I laughed. my ass. off. it is true. I pretty much adore hanging out and talking and laughing about things out there with our "neighbors."

Oh. and I met Hunter Chorey's friend that he was telling me about. Yay.

I've been so busy at work lately, its rediculous.

On an unrelated noted, except that it has to do with something at work, people in the south have the oddest sayings. I truly do not know what people are talking about half the time. Today, my boss told me to tell someone who asked me to do something for him to "go soak his head." (....wait...was it "soak?" I keep forgetting.) I had NO idea what that meant. So Mike, my boss, explained that it meant "take a number." I kept getting confused and I thought it was awesomely funny and I'd start cracking up everytime I thought about it, and I was saying, "Wash your head." I couldn't remember how the saying went. Which made it even funnier. To me.

Anyone else heard this?

Thats all.


At 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

these journal entries of yours are just one more reason i wonder how in the world you ended up being my sister in are crazier then me...i thought i laughed at everything...but its win...i officially hand over the title.


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