Saturday, March 18, 2006

Facts about Jackson Mississippi:

1) People do not know how to drive around here. They either poke around (less likely) or they do about 120 MPH on the highway while riding your rear bumper. This is true.

2) The roads suck. It is pothole city here.

3) I can't understand a darn thing people say most of the time, especially when I call businesses. The combination of southern speech and/or ebonics down here is so thick, it shouldnt' even be considered English. I have to ask so many times for them to repeat themselves, I feel like a fool. Sometimes, I just hang up, pretending like I finially understood them, when I really never did.

4) The plants and trees are absolutely beautiful here. Absolutely stunning.

5) I am so, so thankful to be away from my parents. I love them...but they pretty much make me want to stab myself in the eye...repeatedly. Espcially my mom. I'm so glad to be "an adult on my own" now.

6) If you're on a schedule to get something done, or be somewhere, pretty much don't even think about asking someone a question or bring up a topic of conversation. You will literally be late to work. You might ask how to get somewhere, but 25 minutes later, they will still be telling you the history of a certain building while you're trying to politely walk out the door.

(Which is secretly one of my favorite things about being here. but don't tell anyone. :))

Oh. did I mention that as of yesterday, it is three months until we get married? yeah.


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