Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In the Kansas City Star today I read a very sad article. It was a story about the growing trend for married people to keep separate checking accounts. While interviewing one woman who has her own account separate from her husband's, she said something to the effect of this,
"Its nice being able to be my own person. This way, I don't feel like someone is looking over my shoulder, watching my every move."

...and by "someone" she means "my husband."...Where is the trust in your marriage, woman?! Why did you even bother getting married?!

So saddening. And maddening.

A prime example of how wedding vows are becoming merely idle words.


At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How unfortunate it is that the rituals and wisdom born out of the East (Judeo-Christian)are no more than a mere thought and memory in the minds of many. What greatness the people of the West would have if we would embrace the Wisdom in Christianity.


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