Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Since I've been a lazy bum and haven't posted it is the engagement story:


Ok. So we were up in the Quad cities area of Illinois, where andrew is from. He lives out in the country on a farm. Its cool. ANyway. THe Mississippi river runs right through this area.

Two and a half years ago, when we were on a date, we went on a picnic of sorts on the riverfront, where they have these parks and walkways that run directly beside the Miss. River. It was all romantic and nice and peaceful and wonderful, and he knows that its always held a special place for me.

So before I came to visit, we were making plans of stuff to do when I got here, and his 23rd bday was during the time we would be there together, so we were talking about going back to "our spot" by the river on his birthday (may 24).

So we drove up to Moline, IL from kansas city late wednesday night into the wee hours of thursday morning. So Thursday when we got up, it was our first day there.

Thursday evening, I heard him on the phone with his friend (and my friend), Dale. And so after they got off the phone, i was like, "Hey, are we going to Dale's?" And he goes "Sure."

So we get in the car and hes like, "We're not really going to Dales. Hes working. I just wanted to get out of the house. Where do you want to go?"

And I said , "I don't know Honey. Surprise me. this is your turf."

and he said, "well we could go to one of my favorite bars, or we could go to the river..or"

and i jumped in and said lets go to the river. (which he knew I would do) so we drove there, which is about a 30 min drive. which has no bearing on the story, whatsoever...haha.

So we get there and park the car and get a blanket out from my trunk, cause it was a little chilly. and so we walk along. and andrew picks up this big stick and like, throws it javelon style. haha. which has nothing to do with anything, but its just cute. and then he picked it up again, and i was like, "you're like moses."...ok im retarded.

So there were these benchs facing the water, and hes suggested that we sit on one. and i sat down and hes like, "no, you scoot over, let me sit there. the wind is blowing that way and I have to block the wind for you so you won't be cold."....AWWWW.

so we sit down and cover the blanket over us and look out at the water...and the sun was setting....and it was GORGEOUS. seriously. so we sat there in combination of silence and when we would talk it would be to comment on the colors of the water and of the sky. Seriously, it was breathtaking. and then and there was a couple rollerblading and some people there with their kids, etc. Then the sun went down completely and the stars were showing, so we slid down in the bench a bit and looked up at the sky. and we were talking about the big dipper and everything. it was just fun and beautiful. Earlier, I was thinking, in my head, 'this would be a great place for people to get engaged.'. and then i was thinking of saying it out loud, but if i said it out loud, i was going to say, 'but you can't ever use this place now, cause i said it. haha'...(all the time, not even CONSIDERING for an instant that he was going to propose)

thank the LORD that I didn't open my big mouth.


anyway. So we set there and hold hands and watch the beauty before us, and hes like, "have we prayed yet?" (we always like to pray with eachother, and especially at the beggining of our time together.) and i said "no, we haven't" (which he of course knew) we talked for a few more minutes.

then he goes, "ok, lets pray." he ususally prays first...but he told me he wanted me to pray first. and i was like , "no, you pray first, you always pray first." and hes like "i have to make sure you don't forget anything."

so i prayed we're sitting there holding hands, praying. And I prayed about various things. Everything from being thankful for things to asking forgiveness and then praying about us. and then andrew prayed. and he prayed out various things, first too. and about half way through his prayer, i started crying. not like, sobbing or anything. but i was moved by the things he was talking to God about. He was thanking God for this creation we were able to see together, and said, "Thank you so much for your beauty being displayed on the airplane yesterday night, with the storm clouds with the sunset going through it. It was so beautiful, God. I wish Dena could have been there with me to see it." And he asked forgiveness for sins. And thanked God that we were His children. And he prayed for the Church and for truth to be shown. Just everything was very very touching, so I was crying, thinking about what was being prayed about. Then he started praying about us. And I started crying a little more. Still not audibly. And hes like, "Thank you so much for Dena. She is such a blessing to me. Thank you for giving her to me." (and i was like...umm...I know he wouldn't normally say something so bold, because that sounds like a marriageish thing to say. but I dismissed the thought.) and he continues, "God, I pray that you help me to love Dena as she loves me, because she loves me so much." *Squeeze his hand* "And I pray that she will see my love for her. God, I ask your permission to marry Dena, because thats what I'm asking her." And I was like....huh? but as soon as I was confused, I thought, oh, its just a general blessing hes asking for, because in dating me, it shows that hes pursuing me for i didn't think too much of it.

So then he wraopped up the prayer, and i was kind of finishing crying. and we opened our eyes, and he looks at me and very softly says, "So will you? Marry me?"

Shocked *my heart starts going NUTS*

I kind of backed away from him and gave him this critical look, and go, " this like, the preliminary question talk, or are you really asking me the real question?" (lol. i asked this because ALL ALONG he had told me that before we actually got engaged, we would sit down and have this talk about how we would survive, financially, and when we would even be able to get married, and how life would be like, and yada yada yada...which we had never had that I was TOOOOTALLY thrown off). ANd he goes, "no, this is the real question. I'm really asking you."

and i go, "are you SERIOUS?" and he said "yes, Dena, I told you i'd never joke around about this question."

and i go, "did you ask my dad?!" (lol). "Yes."

"when did you talk to him?"

"I called him this morning while you were still asleep."


"are you SERIOUS.?!?!?!?!?!"

"YES, Dena."

so i just stare at him for a long time. which he claims which was only like five seconds. lol. and then i just go "yes!" and he said, "are you crying, now?" and i said "i was crying while you were praying!"

i asked him if he was nervous, and he said his heart didn't actually start pounding until half way through his prayer. hehe that is it....he totally did an excellent job of surprising me and keeping it a secret and throwing me off. I had NO NO NO NO NO NO clue.

and three people from home i talked to after that said, "I thought you'd come back engaged."

i'm sure glad everyone figured it but me. lol.

so yeah. thats the story. it was muy muy exciting and romantic. :)


At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to clean because it's a little dusty in here. :-) Great story Dena.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, that was me.


At 1:27 AM, Blogger Dale Melchin said...

Great story :-D


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