Tuesday, April 12, 2005

So I've been wondering what to write about, because I wanted to update my blog.

So I finally decided to spark some conversation (hopefully) on a song that has been a bit "controversial" in the non-traditional sort of way, between some friends of mine and myself.

There is this song called "Wedding Day" by Rosie Thomas that several of my girlie friends seem to not be able to get enough of. They rave about it. I, for one...think its one of the...most off the wall things I've ever heard. I totally don't dig it. The lyrics are just...weird to me. I'm kind of like...'whats the point....seriously.' I honestly don't see what the big hype is about the song. In fact, it kind of makes me want to stab myself in the eye. To me, it seems like one of those overly dramatic-I-don't-really-make-sense-but-I'm-automatically-cool-because-I-have-just-enough-of -that-girly-angst-stuff-going-on-with-my-emotions-going-everywhere songs. Lol...FOR REAL.

That being said...I think its entirely possible that I am the only girl on the planet who does not like this song.

Heres the lyrics. Please, tell me what you think. Boys and girls alike. Seriously. Help me out here. Tell me whats so great about this song. For. The. Love.

Wedding Day
by Rosie Thomas

so much for love, guess i've been wronged
but it's all right, 'cause i'm moving on
i've got my car all packed with cassette tapes
and sweaters and loose change and cheap cigarettes

and i'm gonna drive thru the hills with my hand out
the window and sing till i run out of words.
i'm gonna stop at every truck stop, make small talk with waiters
and truck driving men.
i'm gonna fall asleep in the back seat with noone around but me and my friends

it's gonna be so grand
it's gonna be just like my wedding day, yeah

yeah, i've had enough of love, it feels good to give up
so good to be good to myself
and i'm gonna get on the highway with no destination
and plenty of visions in mind
and i'm gonna drive to the ocean, go skinny dipping
blow kisses to venus and mars
i'm gonna stop at every bar and flirt with the cowboys in front their girl friends

it's gonna be so grand
it's gonna be just like my wedding day, yeahh

so much for love, i guess i've been wronged
but it's all right 'cause i'm moving on
i'm gonna drive over hills, over mountains, and canyons
and boys that keep bringin me down
i'm gonna drive under skyline and sunshine, drink good wine in vineyards
and get asked to dance
i'm gonna be carefree and let nothing pass me by, never ever again

it's gonna be so grand
it's gonna be so grand
it's gonna be just like my wedding day

and Ps...some of these lines have to qualify as "the most rediculous song lyrics, ever" for me. I'll give you a few of my "favorites."...And by "favorites," I mean, "not at all."...

exibit a: "And i'm gonna ... blow kisses to venus and mars" ...Seriously. What?

exibit b: "I'm gonna stop at every bar and flirt with the cowboys in front their girl friends" First of all, who does that? second of all...thats just retarded. (I made kind of a vomiting face when I heard this line in the car...just ask Kate.)

exibit c: "it's gonna be so grand
it's gonna be just like my wedding day"
Wow. I just don't see what is supposed to be compared to her wedding day, and how its supposed to be like her wedding day. In what way? Is singing till she runs out of words somehow like her wedding day? Is having her car packed with loose change and cheap ciggs somehow like her wedding day??? Come on people.

Thats all for now.


At 3:08 PM, Blogger Dena said...

The only road tripping ive done (literally) on my own are the drives I've made to and from Tulsa, OK. 4 hours each way. I love being on my own and just being quiet for a while. I love driving. I love roadtripping. But I also love "being alone" with someone else...A close friend and soulmate who I might happen to be roadtripping with. I can be "alone together" with someone, too. I like that feeling. I've done quite a lot of roadtripping with others. I've driven to and from San Antonio TX, DC, North Carolina, Denver, Springfield Mo, Lake of the Ozarks, etc. I love roadtrips. I love just getting away. I love the road and the wind and the music and the freedom and the memories and the view. And I love to people watch.

Hm. I just think, for me, I'm just more of a "suck it up and don't be such a pansy about being "wronged" " kind of person. lol. I dunno. Maybe I'm kind of hard-hearted like that or something. haha I don't know what it is. I'm also not into overly feelingsish type things. It just bothers me. So yeah...I guess what you said about the differences between us *do* make sense.

I like several of the things she speaks about in the song. But in a context separate from them being equated with a wedding day and/or being done in response being hurt about something. I guess thats my thing. Just the context of most of it. (Although some of the things, like I said, I just think are rediculous...lol)...

Thanks so much Mic. I hope we can still be friends. ;)

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dena, you're right on this one. :-)

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Dena said...

Quote Mic: "Yeah but Dena, you also have a super-hot boyfriend." HECK YES I DO. HECK. YES.

lol. i'm so glad the world realizes this, Mic.

But in all honestly, yes, when Andrew and I broke up before, I felt like i was DYING. I'm not even joking. But at the very same time, I was the one telling myself to suck it up, pick up the pieces and move on. I never needed to be reminded of that. But thats just how I am. Yes, I definately had great friends who I could tell my sob story to, and did quite a bit, but...I dunno...it was different. I don't know how to explain it. But yeah. My heart was definately shattered in a billion pieces. But I was never like.., "Now I feel like blowing kisses at the moon" or something. Lol. I don't know. I guess I did go through my little jaded period. But that only lasted so long...and it felt different than what shes writing about in the song. Just a different context and a different ... way.

Oh...and ps...i'd definately never tell someone to suck it up, after a breakup either. But I would expect them to carry on with life, at the same time too. But I definately know what it means to grieve and the importance of that. And FTR, I think you have handled the Tim situation immensely well. I've never felt like, "Throw me a frickin bone, Michaela, shut up," towards you about it. LOL. Honestly. Some people, I feel like that towards. And this song just makes me want to look at the speaker and say, "what are you going on about?" Ha. Ok.

pps...i'm glad we can still be friends. ;)

And I wish the anon. poster would reveal themself. Although I have a theory on who it is. :sarahdoylegrin: (or whatever that is called). haha.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Dale Melchin said...

This is why country music sucks...

ON a lighter note, its good to see you post again. :-D

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a country song isn't it?
...yeah... you can tell.

i don't like it. it seems like she's feeling sorry for herself, and trying to cover it up. she says she's moving on, but i think it's more running away. and it seems more like it is allowing the "break up" to have a HUGE effect on her, if she feels like she has to get away from life to get over it.

....people like angst in songs period. people like to feel sorry for themselves, it seems.

and i don't see how someone could compare something as.. seemingly degrading (flirting in front of girlfriends, etc.) as that.. to a wedding day. a wedding day is a beautiful thing... that isn't.

i don't like it. definitely with you on that.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Dena said...

dale...it isn't a country song.

and heather...lol...which heather is this? i know two heathers. :) and thank you. i thought your post was AWESOME. for real.

the end.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Dale Melchin said...

Sure sounded like a country song

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how could you not like rosie thomas?!?

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Dena said...

Dear Chris,
where did I ever say that I didn't like Rosie Thomas? I said I didn't like this particular song. :) I, in fact, do like some R.T. stuff. I have a couple of her songs on my computer. She is a beautiful pianist. Her voice is quite unique. I like these things, very much.

Dear Kate,
I hate you and I hate your ass face.

(We're still on for the R's tomorrow night, right? Haha. Jk. ;) And Ps. i can't wait to tarp with you.)

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Carla Jean said...

See, I feel like she IS moving on. and maybe she's moving on in the same sort of crazy cynical way that I do, at first, after something... and maybe that's why I like it. But I am obsessed with this song right now and listened to it for about 45 minutes straight last night.


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