Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I love the way a good, hot bath feels. There is just nothing like it. Soothing, relaxing, refreshing. Ahhhh.


I had a very freaky dream this evening when I took a little nap. I was warned by someone, when I was getting into my car, to get down, fast, because someone was planning on shooting me in the neck. Freaky.

Other previous parts of the dream included:
*Me going into a few bars and asking if I could buy a couple of bottles of beer to take out of the restaurant with me. No one was cooperating with me.

*Being in a little club or someplace with a small stage - it was very black inside - and apparantly having a gig to play my guitar.

*Using a public restroom with no door to the individual toilet. *shock*

*Seeing people that I used to go to school with, that I haven't had contact with in a very long time.

*Something about bubby and his keyboards...and carrying them and plugging them in and playing a Journey song

*Driving and the traffic being very odd and dream-like. Almost Dr. Seuss-ish.

I think thats enough for now. but it was very weird.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Lara said...

This morning I woke up shaking dreaming that I was on the phone with my father who said my mother had died of "stimulation". Who knows what the heck that means, but it freaked me out.

Gah. Dreams!

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Dena said...

Lol. Lara! That made me laugh so hard. Thanks for comin' around these here parts.


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