Wednesday, February 09, 2005

two of my friends are getting engaged this weekend. hooray.

i just talked to one friend whos hopping a plane to see his gf tomorrow and i'm like "DON'T FORGET TO PACK THE RING!" lol

I talked to Danielle on the phone last night for over an hour. it was good times. i miss that girl. for serious.

its amazing how many times you can read the same thing in the bible, but time after time (not the cindy lauper kind), more and more becomes clearer.

i'm all about being reformed and realzing the central role and importance of God in my life and focusing on Him...

but it pisses me off when someone totally glazes over the fact that its still ok to have emotions (which were given by God), and they try to undermine that.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fools I tell you those non-emotional minding ppl. To have emotion is human... to let emotion rule you at the expense of the Bible is sappy evangelical... to have emotion, acknowledge it is from God is Reformed. Oh yes, that is all, and THE END.


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