Thursday, January 13, 2005

So last night's Bible study rocked for so many reasons.

but i will tell you the reasons involving the Melvin kids:

I walk in Sean and Cristina's door, and Elena meets me at the top of the stairs and gives me a hug. She then proceeds to be the biggest snuggle bug, EVER, on the couch with me. I love cuddling. It is true.

2)after we "formally" end Bible study, we all sit around and talk and snack and whatever for hours. So i walked in the kitchen to get my snack, and Connor is sitting at the table. He looks at me, and just as nonchalantly as anything, he says, "Could you take your hair down?" *Dena snickers* "What? Why do you want me to take it down?" "Because i like it down." I seriously almost peed myself, laughing. I turned around and looked at Cristina, who was sitting in the living room, and shes like, "what did he say?" And so I went in and told her. And shes like, "yeah, i know. hes always telling me to wear my hair down, too." And then I walked back in the kitchen and he asks me if I can take it down now. Lol. I tell him no. He asks why. I say 'because its already up.' "Why is it up?" "Because i wore it up today." "well why did you do that" LMBO. "Because its easier to do that way, Connor."

I *heart* the melvin kids. it is twue.


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