Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I stole this off of a blog ...that was linked from a person I know. So I don't really even personally know the person I stole this from. haha.

What expressions do you use entirely too often? “good Lord” (taking the Lord’s name in vain? this is a problem), “oh my goodness,” “i was like,” “like,” etc. (thos were all his original answers, but they are true for me, as well). Is "good lord" taking the Lord's name in vain? if so, i really need to cut that out. "Dang it." "Shoot" "crap" "sweet action" "good times" and random noises that I make when i'm frusterated.

Who would you pick to be your partner on Wheel of Fortune Best Friends Week? my dad is like...the masta' at WOF. so i would take my dad.

What do you like most about yourself? uh. i have no idea. maybe that i keep it real. but i could give you alist of stuff i dont' like about myself and it'd be easier to compile.

If you could only read one novel for the rest of your life, what would it be? hm. wow. wow. i have no clue. i mean, i've read some great books...but...i don't know.

What food would you rather die than eat? disgusting fear factor stuff. (once again...i just stole the dude's answer)

If you could pick your name, What would it be? hm. Aurora. maybe?

Cake or cookies? cookies, hands down. cake sucks. (rotflmbo to the dotnetters. :) )

Flip-flops or sandals? flip-flops!

Tea or soda? hm. wow. i guess it depends. haha. but i'll say pop.

Sweats or pajama bottoms? pj bottoms

Crosswalk or jaywalk? jaywalk.

Rainbow Brite or the Care Bears? RB

Sit or sprawl? sprawl. in bed or on the floor, while stretching. (stretching is one of the best parts of the day...and I usually skip it.)

Tile or wood floors? wow. i've actually been thinking a lot about this lately. because i clean houses, so i think about what it is i'm cleaning. but i've actually been thinking of it in relation to my own home someday. and i've decided i'm going to have to veto non carpeted floors. but that isn't the question. so i'll pick wood floors. but i'll tell you why i pick carpet over hard floors. hard floors, you have to "clean" twice. you have to definately sweep and then mop. and then you have to do all this stuff like wax it, etc. its just. not my cup of tea. i mean, i know with carpet, people shampoo it and get it cleaned, etc. but i figure, get some good, darkish or not light, maybe printed (mix colors) carpet, and you're good to go. not as many spills show up, dust and hair isn't flying all over the floor like it does on hard floors...everythings good.

Fan or open window? fan. year round. if its spring or summer, the attic fan, which involves open windows.

What are you afraid of? wow. God

Do you screen your calls? yes. when i can get to my phone, that is.

If you could paint a room any color, what would it be? some shade of blue. but then i'd want to do artsy stuff on it, like this

Who is your favorite cartoon character? i dont' know.

Who do you call most frequently? Who do you talk to longest? andrew, kate, bubby, mom, debbie.

Who do you text message most frequently? andrew/kate

What do you do when it rains? uh. carry on. i won't melt.

How do you like your coffee? with lots of foamy milk. with things such as vanilla or caramel flavoring.

Ok, say you’re stranded. Deserted island, all that jazz. You have all the necessities provided. What is the one luxury you take with you? hm.? computer/net. haha. i'm dumb.


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