Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Some things that make me laugh -- heartily:

*Michaela's writings

*rewatching Kendon or Jerry do "the special dance" (from video clips) ( I can't wait till Kendon comes home SOON so I can see him do this live.)

*thinking about the time I was at Deb's, and we were cleaning out her fridge, and she was trying to "fashion a tool", which i think consisted of a spatula covered in a rag, to get between the shelves in the fridge, and her husband, David, starts CRACKING UP, and says, "its so funny to watch a woman try to do something mechanical." and so i looked over at Debbie, and realized just how truly rediculous she really did appear. so i just started cracking up. and i could not stop. i was still laughing about it like...half an hour later. and it still cracks me up when i think about it.

*my friend ana baida. i met her when i traveled to TX for an honorchoir, one time in HS. She. is. hiwawious. Especially the memories of the "lollygagging" language. oh, and this was also videotaped for posterity.

*bumperchairs. there is no explanation. but you could see the video someday if you would like.

*kate. for so many reasons.

...stay tuned


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