Friday, December 10, 2004

Adventures in Baking

The other day, Debbie (Simpson) made these AWESOME chewey ginger cookies, and when I tried them, I flipped out because they were amazingly good. So I got on this baking kick, where I wanted to bake. So I caught up with Jessica online last night and we decided she would come over after she got off work so we could make some stuff. We decided on the ginger (and molasses) cookies, which I called Deb for the recipie - and chocolate peanut butter fudge (which we found a recipe for off the net). So I went to the grocery store and got the goods needed to make the goodies.

I started the cookie batter, because it was supposed to be refridgerated for an hour, and we wanted to be able to get a move on as soon as JJ came over from work. Let me tell you. I have never gotten so many phone calls as I did while I was trying to mix the ingredients to the cookies. I accidently confused the measurements for ginger and cloves, but don't worry, i was able to get the extra cloves out of the bowl. whew. Anyway. while I was cooking, I got a phone call from bubby, telling me Olivia and him had went ring shopping yesterday, and they found an engagement ring they fell in love with at Helzburgs. And while they were looking at the diamond in some side room under a microscope, he got down on one knee and proposed. He said he hadn't planned on doing it there or right then, but it seemed like perfect timing all of the sudden. hm. He said he was really nervous. And the worker took two poloroids of them and they are now in the official book that they keep there of people who have gotten engaged in the store. So yay. The wedding is Feb. 26. 2005

Anyway. back to cooking.

Jessica came over just as I was getting done mixing the dough. And I got the see her engagement ring. :) It is beautiful.

So I stuck the dough in the frezer and we started the PB/choc fudge. hehe... that was fun. It involves heating/boiling the ingredents on the stove. So when it came time to pour the batter into the pan, it was quite a feat. I held the pan while she scooped the mix out. lol. but the choc kept hardening while she was trying to scoop it out. Like it was getting hard really fast. So...the top of the fudge ended up looking kinda crusty. hehe. and we were supposed to use a knife to "give it a marbelized effect," swirling the pb through the choc...and lets just say...we more like "stirred" instead of "marbelized". lol. but i tried it this morning and its GOOD. the top just looks funny. not smooth. oh well. tastes great.

then we made the cookie dough balls for the ginger cookies. and that invoved dipping them in ice water, then into sugar. and we just had a lot of fun with it. the first batch, the cookies ended up HUGE. lol. so freaking funny. we just cracked up. but the cookies turned out good, i think. in fact, i'm eating some now. :)

anyway. thats about all, I think.


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