Tuesday, November 30, 2004

From the webboard:....

Name: Dena
Age: 21
Hometown: Overland Park, ks
Where you live now: same
College? nope. had some and hated it.
Marital Status: not married

What time is it: 1 50 PM central time

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR (things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: my checking account number so i can access all of that online
When you sleep you wear: wouldn't you like to know

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a sweet video camera

Something you don't have a lot of: sleep

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: i'm going to pretend each grouping of items only counts as one
1) all our home videos
2) photos
3) cpu


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: ?? thats an odd one

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: uh...i can't think of a particular instance right now. but i know, of course, i've done this.

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: a "friendationship" ago

One person you have killed in your thoughts: i have no idea


honesty, integrity, sense of humor

Who makes you laugh most often: um...besides myself? kate, probably

A friend who you can tell anything: Andrew

A friend you can got to for advice: Andrew

The best piece of advice you had been given: uh. i don't know. i'm sure its something Biblical, tho.

Two closest friends: Andrew and Katie Jo

The friend who uses most of your energy: Malory


Your 3 best qualities: uh. strongwilledness, being passionate, being loving?

Your 3 worst qualities : strongwilledness, being passionate, not being loving enough

Describe your Ideal self: being a true woman of God

A compliment that makes you blush: that i am the most beautiful woman

You are embarassed when: i don't know. i'm not easily embarassed

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: hm. thats a good question. maybe when i tore all the ligaments in my ankle

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: surviving the break-up of my life

Moment you are most ashamed of: don't want to talk about that one, publically, thanks

Your best physical feature: i have no idea. eyes, maybe?

Who/What makes you happy: hm. realizing God can fufill me completely.

Who/what makes you sad: when i want to fix something and I can't. people who are unneccessarily stubborn. rudeness. someone being a jackass for the sake of being a jackass. vagueness.


Emotion you hide most: Disappointment

The emotion you tend to experience most: what is the emotion for laughter? elation? i have no idea.

The emotion you are feeling most lately: melencholy

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: hm. dunno.

When you are angry you need: well. besides God (hehe), to be on my own. sleep, often times.

When you are sentimental you need: good music and to look at pictures or home vids.

When you are in love you need: to be held


One of your most peaceful memories: getting a massage

One of your most tragic memories: being the only one with my mom when she got the phone call informing her my brother had hung himself

One of your angriest memories: hm. i don' tknow

A memory that makes you laugh: "bumper chairs" with my teenage self and other girls in a friend's kitchen...getting knocked over the back of the chair. laughing so hard i nearly peed.

A memory that makes you happy: several years of thanksgivings on the plaza


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: be genuine and open hearted

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: be rude/insensitive/ungrateful

Two things appealing about people: helpfulness and servant's heart

A personality trait you find appealing: sensitivity

Your secret passion: ...hm...i dunno if this would actually be the right category for this. but i think it would rock the casbah to get to be on a stage and sing and play one song.

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: um...hm. comfort in the knowledge i am being accepted even with all my flaws exposed


If you had more time alone you would: read more, do art projects....create things, especially messing wtih photographs

If you had more patience you would: get better at guitar

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: be toned (not saying i'm fat, just to be toned)

If you had no committments what would you be doing: hm. taking care of a family...which i guess is a committment. but thats what i want to do, so eh?

If you could have one super power what would it be: to always overcome temptation and not to sin

If you could start all over.... hm...i have no idea


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soooory I have to one-up you here. Superpower I would want would be one of the omni's and that would be omnipotence. I wouldn't want to know everything or be everywhere... Being omnipotent would be a very multipurpose superpower. I could fly, run fast, dodge, block or just absorb bullets, I would fly through the martial arts mastering them all because I could. People would respect me, no one would mess with me and I could shake off the effects off alchohol at will. He he! I could be what I've always wanted to be. A superhero.


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