Sunday, October 31, 2004

Kat, then Renee sent me this...and i figured...its been a while since i've filled one of these out. decided to throw this sucker on here. not that anyone cares. ;)

1. What is your full name? Dena Michelle Powell

2. What color pants are you wearing? N/A...wearing a dress

3. What are you listening to right now? my mom, downstairs, talking to my brother on the phone

4. What is the last thing you ate? and half a donut at church this morning

5. Do you wish on stars? uh. not really. not that i'd believe in it, anyway.

6. How is the weather right now? kinda nice and breezy

7. Last person you talked to on the phone? andrew

8. Do you like the person who sent you this? yep

9. How are you today? blessed

10. Favorite drink? water

11. Favorite alcoholic drink? ooh, thats a tough one. I'll just say a "hanson" and kate knows that that consists of. hehe (high fiver for the hanson concert drink of choice, kate!)

12. Favorite sport? dance

13. Hair color? dark brown (with a little help :O) )

14. Eye color? blue

15. Do you wear contacts or glasses? mostly contacts

16. # of siblings? 6 (including half siblings and deceased)

17. Favorite Month: erm....uh. December? or ...i have no idea

18. Favorite food? really enjoy lasagne...or spaghetti with meatballs/sauce...Itallian is yummy

19. Last movie you watched? Legally Blonde with the girls last night. lol

20. Favorite Day of the year Easter

21. What do you do to vent anger? um. it depends. sometimes be selfish or get an attitude, or play guitar or piano or sleep it off or raise my voice or pray or read

22. What was your favorite toy as a child? maybe that little drum set. that was sweet action. or my mini four wheeler. that was also covered in awesome sauce

23. Summer or winter? Autumn

24. Hugs or Kisses? it depends

25. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

27. Do you want your friends to email you back? na

28. Who is the most likely to respond? na

29. Who is least likely to respond? na

30. Living arrangements? with mom and paying some rent.

31. When was the last time you cried? um...lemme think....definately last sunday. i don't think i've cried since then

>32. What is under your bed? junk. old barbies. random clothes, pens, pieces of paper, etc.

>33. Who is the friend you have had the longest? uh...maybe Beth ann?

34. What did you do last night? girls night! spent time kate, anna, and cori at my house eating pizza, drinking beer, watching a movie and dancin around the living room

35. Favorite smells? andrew, new or clean cars, cooking food

36. What inspires you? hearing or seeing Truth. beauty, love, music.

37. What are you afraid of? hm. i dont' know. fire?

38. Plain buttered or salted popcorn? not much of a popcorn fan, but buttered on occassion.

39. Favorite car? i'm not much of a car person. but i do have a special place in my heart for Suvs

40. Favorite flower? ?? anything really prettily colored. roses. whatever.

41. Number of keys on your key ring? dunno

42. Can you juggle? no way

43. Favorite day of the week? eh...i dunno

44. What did you do on your last birthday? uh. worked. shopped. ate at PF changs with mom, bub, and yvonne.

45. Do you have a donor card? no. i have "donor" on my DL, though.


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