Friday, September 17, 2004

so...i think i want to start doing this thing like "quote of the day" or something. because often times my friends just say really awesome things...and they're so quotable...or maybe they'll write something on their blog thats just want to start sharing it with all of you wonderful have a good one for y'all (that better, kate?) tonite...

  • - I've cöme tö the cönclusiön that Atkins is the biggest farce ever perpetuated upön the American public. I mean, think aböut it. Höw löng has bread been aröund? Oh, since the dawn öf time ör sö. And löök at Egyptian hieröglyphics: yöu dön't see a bunch öf tubby chunkers walking sideways, yöu see skinny fölks with weird smiles. Sö maaaaybe, its nöt that carbs and junk thats making yöu pörtly, its the fact yöu sit ön yöur bum, watching reality TV all evening. Gö play cricket ör sömething. ANNNND anöther thing...that Atkins guy was like, 300 lbs when he cröaked- yöu wanna believe his diet plan? C'mön peöple, nö möre Atkins. Please? ~From my friend, Chris' blog - my most favorite parts are in bold~


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