Friday, July 16, 2004

i really don't have too much time to post right now, cause i have to get ready for work.  but i just wanted to say...God has blessed me with some very godly women who He has put in my path, as of late.  They are able to mentor me, kind of. And offer me encouragement and direction...and for them just to listen to me in the way they do is what touches me more than anything.  Its been amazing to see how God has used some particular people to reveal truths to me...some truths that I may have been struggling with facing the reality of.  Its been really good.  I'll type more later about this, hopefully.  But the newest addition to "godly women in Dena's life" is a woman named Molly Lewis, who visitied our church this past week with her husband.  She invited me to a Bible study on Wednesday, and the short story goes, her and I talked for more than three hours on our own, after the study winded down, and I didn't get out of there until 12:30.  Do you ever just know you're going to immediately click with someone?  Hearing her tell me about her life and some of the things she has lived and some of her thoughts was freakishly like hearing myself talk.  So many parallels.  Anyway...more later.


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