Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Today, i went back into NBC Action news, where i filled in for the woman who was on maternity leave...because when she got back, she resigned...so they have the position to fill FULL TIME, now...so i talked to my managers and we discussed a lot of things...and its kind of really funny...because a lot of the time, I'm not sure whats going on with me...but today, when I basically had to give them some answers about where i saw myself going, i was able to verbalize to people what actually is running through my head as a reality...so these are some things that came out of today...maybe even considered as ephiphanies that i told Mike and John (managers)....:

ultimately, i see myself being a wife and a mom....taking care of my family...having babies (eventually)...staying home....supporting my husband in whatever hes doing.

in the mean time? I told them i liked working at KSHB...and that it would be cool to work there full time...and they shot straight with me...and were like, "Dena, we loved having you work here, you have such a cheery, helpful attitude. Whoever we hire, we're looking for you know, a solid commitment...we would love to have you make this your permanat home, but if we hire you, we're thinking minimum three years for you to be here...what are the chances of you deciding to not stay here once you get here? and i thought about it. and something hit me...and i looked at them...and i was like "you know what...i'm going to be tooootally honest with you about this....i'm not going to be the kind of person to get this job and then start looking for other jobs or anything...once i'm in, i'm in...but i will tell you, there is one condition on which i would leave, without looking back...if it came down to what i'm about to say, or worrying about needing to stay at this job, the job would lose....IF for some reason, and i DO NOT have any remote prospects or forsee it happening anytime in the near future or thensome...but IF there were a man who came along...and he lived on the other side of the country...and we got serious...and it came down to me moving to help our relationship, i would move to be with him in a new york second...."...and i was like....did that just come out of my mouth??? and i was like...are they going to not like that answer? and you know what..? they were Tooooooootally understanding and supportive and agreed with that decision! lol...how cool is that?!

but the thing, that i think i got out the most of it...was realizing that i would actually do that.....wow...and then i continued on to say, "you know, i'm in no way against moving....i'm not attached to kansas city...theres nothing particularly for me here...i'm not one of those people who is like "i have to raise my kids here" at all....i can definately see myself moving" yeah...and they were toooootally affirmative on all that...which was cool....so i just thought i'd give ya'll the LD

So...matt's leaving for the army...the beginning of next week...so...the other night, Yvonne, Matt, Kyle and I hung out...pulled an all nighter...and actually had some REALLY GOOD CONVERSATION...usually, its uncomfortable for guys to get deep and serious...not matt and kyle...(they my boys)...i was impressed...

I will share with you one of the questions that was asked me...by Kyle...because it really made me think....and I like it....he said "When you get married, what are things you consider being "fun" that you will do together."...and I had to stop and think. :) and i was like "Why are you asking me this"...and he said something about me being a really unique girl...non traditional or something...how I like guys with long hair and such (lol which i corrected him saying "shaggy, not long...i've never liked the boys all the other girls like...ever...i've never liked the all american boy type")...ne who...that was funny...so...i started compiling my list of what I would probably do in my "free/down time" with my husband...so I will share some of the things that came to mind :)

go to concerts/coffee houses
playing cards
board games/games
hanging out
talking/good discussion
going to the park
reading together
taking walks/holding hands
dancing together
Bible studies/learning/praying and such together
going to the Liberty Memorial (or whatever such thing in the location we are located hehe) in the middle of the night
playing in the snow/sledding
learning to do new things
play music together

those were things that came to mind while we were hanging out that night...there are lots more, of course...but it was kinda cool :) cause i never really thought about that before


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